𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚋𝚞𝚛 𝚂𝚘𝚘𝚝

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𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝟹

Y/n was walking in the woods with her sword out being careful if something came and attacked her. She found a cliff and sat down enjoying the sunset. Y/n felt hot tears in her eyes.

"Bastard," she stood up and grabbed a rock and chucked it over the cliff.

"BASTARD!!" She yelled chucking another rock.

"You were supposed to be there for me and Fundy, you are the worst father ever," she fell on her knees.

"BAHHH!!" She jumped seeing a blue sheep.

"What the-"


"Go away you dumb sheep," she pushed the nose of the sheep away from her face.

"BAHHH!!" The sheep pushed his nose to her.

"Stop it, stop," she said as the sheep pushed her on the ground and rested his head on her stomach.


"BAHHHH!!" The sheep stayed rested on her stomach, she just let it happened there was nothing she could do if the sheep wasn't going to move. She felt something around his neck, she pulled what felt like a tag.

"Friend? Is that your name?"


"I'm taking that as a yes?" She sat up realizing she has to get going.

"Get off me, I have to leave," she said as he moved his head and she grabbed her sword having to walk through the woods, Friend was behind her bahhing behind her every so often. She was getting somewhat annoyed.

"Ok, sheep...I don't want you, if I bring you back to my home, my uncle will more liking use you as a rug, so stop following me," she turned back around and kept walking through the woods till she was smoke where Technoblade's home was. She walked up to the house and opened the door seeing Techno sharpening his sword.

"What took you so long?"

"Sorry, a blue sheep wouldn't stop following me," she said as Techno stopped what he was doing and looked at her.

"Blue sheep?"

"Yeah, he's out there, he wouldn't stop following-" Techno pushed through her and ran outside.

"What the-TECHNO!" She saw him run to the sheep and found the tag around his neck.

"Friend," he grabbed the broken lead and brought him inside.



"I'm sure you already met him but this is your fathers pet...I don't know why he's out here though L'Manburg is so far," he looked down at the sheep who bahhed.

"Y/n he's the only thing that your father left."

"Techno I don't want a blue sheep that I can use his wool as a rug and him as meat, I'm not keeping this sheep." She walked away to her room as Technoblade looked down at Friend.

"What am I going to do with that girl, Friend," Y/n felt hot tears in her eyes, she grabbed a pillow and started to scream in it.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Her scream were muffled.

"Bastard father," she threw her pillow to the ground and pulled her blanket up to her body and started to fall asleep.

~Time Skip~
Y/n was going on a small walk, mainly to the vault, the vault didn't just have skeleton heads and soul sand there was a special area that was the background of Technoblade's, Wilburs, Tubbo and Tommy's past when they lived with Philza.

Y/n only been there once and it was Technoblade, he brought the first night when Wilbur was gone and she couldn't sleep.

Y/n opened the vault and went to the spot and opened up the door. She saw different Portrait of each boy and Philza. She walked up to Wilburs portrait.

"I hate you...you didn't care about me or Fundy...you are the worse father ever...Technoblade is a better father then you'll ever be-"

"Do you believe that?" She heard a somewhat familiar voice, she turned to see a see-though Wilbur.


"I...I don't remember-"

"Oh you have to play dumb now!?"

"I don't remember..."

"Then you don't remember me, Fundy or Philza and your brothers, my uncles?"


"The worst dad ever," she mumbled she walked past him.

"I can't stand you, I hate you, you were never my dad, Uncle Techno is a better father than you."

"...Y/N!!" He said as Y/n stopped and looked back at Wilbur.

"I remember you, I just don't remember my promise and I remember everyone else and...I don't remember blowing up L'Manburg either."

"Please...don't...you lost my trust in you as a father and I don't miss you and come get your blue sheep from Technos house," she walked away and headed back to Technoblades home. She opened the door and walked back up to her room.

"Stupid Wilbur Soot."
Word Count 803

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