chapter one

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Here's a little about me. 

My name is Alexandra Rayne Montgomery. I'm eighteen years old. I live in Beverly Hills, California.  I have a best friend named Aubrey.

I have six older brothers. Vincenzo, Lorenzo, Domenico, Valentino, Sebastian, Giovanni. Vincenzo is twenty-four years old, Lorenzo is twenty-two, Domenico is twenty, and Valentino, Sebastian, Giovanni are nineteen.

My life is with pretty much all boys.

Now, you must be thinking. . .Alexandra Montgomery. Why does that name sound so familiar? I'm the daughter of Evan Montgomery. Ever heard of the Serpents? Yep, we are a maf. We are the most feared maf in the entire world. My father is the leader, of course.  I've been going through some depression. I've worked my way up, and I don't fear anything now.


I was at Lure Nightclub because I was bored, of course. You see, I am with Aubrey and her boyfriend, Jimmy. I don't like him. Why? Because he abuses her, and every day there's a new bruise, and sometimes I even have bruises too for standing up to her. Jimmy acts nice, but he's an abuser.

 Jimmy acts nice, but he's an abuser

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"Come on." Aubrey dragged me to the dance floor. 

It's currently a Friday night, luckily. I'm the designated driver because I'm not looking forward to a killer hangover. They suck like shit.

Aubrey and I were dancing, feeling free. My mother is very chill and laid back. She doesn't care what I do, really. My brothers can be protective, but they're chill and laid back too. They know I can take care of myself. After all, I was second in command.

After about 25 minutes of dancing, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and faced Jimmy. Aubrey had stopped dancing too. Jimmy was staring at me with this look in his eyes, and I certainly wanted to pull his eyeballs out.

I leaned over to Aubrey casually. "Why is he staring at me like that?" I whispered.

Aubrey tensely shrugged. "I don't know, but it's like he's undressing you with his eyes," Aubrey whispered back to me. I held back a disgusted expression and shivered at the thought of it.

"Alexandra, can I talk to you?" Jimmy asked.

I looked at Aubrey, who was still stiff. "I'll be okay," I whispered to her. I looked at Jimmy and curtly nodded my head, signalling a yes. Jimmy smiled and started walking away, so I followed behind him. 

Jimmy had let me out the side exit.

"So. . ." Jimmy trailed off.

I rolled my eyes. "Man up. What do you want?" I snapped at him.

"You see, Aubrey is no fun whatsoever, so what about you?" I watched him lick his lips. This time, I didn't bother holding back my disgusted face. This idiot is as ugly as a damn blobfish. Plus, Aubrey is way out out of his league.

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "You're seriously trying to hit on me while you have a girlfriend?"

"Hey. . ." Jimmy shrugged his shoulders. "Aubrey doesn't have to know anything."

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "You really are a manwhore, aren't you? You've got like what. . .six girls pregnant already? I'm loyal as hell. You can beat me up for all I care. I mean. . .not like you haven't already." I shrugged. "If I ever get a boyfriend, I want real love, not fake, no secrets, being able to trust, and not wanting anything hidden from me. I certainly do not want you." I glared at him. If looks could kill, he'd be dead.

I think that made Jimmy pissed because he shoved me against the brick wall harshly. Do you know what he did? He slapped me, but I didn't flinch because I'm not weak. I stared at him with a look saying, "are you done yet?"  I most likely had a hand mark on my right cheek. I didn't care, though. I'd take a bullet for Aubrey for all I care. She'd do the same thing for me.

Before you know it, Jimmy was being ripped off of me. I had no idea what was happening or what was going on. It was all so sudden. Everything flashed before my eyes.

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