chapter fourteen

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Alexandra Montgomery

"Is A going to wake up soon?" That voice sounded like Ella.

"I don't know, Ella, we'll see. Lexi is a strong fighter, and I know she'll get through this coma. It's been 9 weeks now." Is that Alex? Man, I want to hug the living shit out of that bastard. "Come on, baby girl, please wake up soon." I heard him murmur.

I couldn't move. I focused and focused and squeezed something. I did it!

I heard Dylan gasp, "Lexi! Please tell me you're waking up. You squeezed my hand...or I'm hallucinating."

I slowly opened my eyes and let out a raspy laugh, "You're not hallucinating." Alex's eyes widened, and suddenly I was being hugged by Hunter, Hayden, Ella, and Alex.

Alex proceeded to grab my hands after the hug, "Lexi, I am so sorry, sweetheart. I swear I never meant to hurt you."

I sighed out loud, "It's fine, Al." I sadly smiled at him.

Alexander frowned, "I swear. I really am sorry, baby." He let out a sad sigh, "My mom opened up my eyes two months ago. I want you to know that I absolutely care about you more than anything. It's just...I wanted to keep you safe, and that's why I chose Nicole over you."

"Alex, what is there to keep me safe from? I've led numerous dangerous missions than you have before, and I've been a part of a gang since I was six. I have loads of experience. You're blocking me out because you care about me, and you're too stubborn to let me in. We've known each other for four months, and it's now the beginning of March, and we met back in October."

"Lexi, there's something I have to tell you..."

"What?" I quietly asked.

"Nicole is moving in with me in the next two days, and we're getting married in a week." He looked at me, waiting for me to say something, but I was too shocked. "Daisy sweetheart, say something."

"Y-you're kicking me out?" I squeaked out.


"Then what, Alexander? Because all Nicole keeps talking about is how she's going to get her "dear hubby" to kill me." I mimicked while quoting Nicole's words with my fingers. "I'm never going to be good enough for you, am I?"


"Alexander, don't you understand? I can't keep doing this to myself!"

"Alexandra, I can't be that selfish. I cannot put you at risk because of me. You mean too much to me, and I can't bear losing you."

"I want you to be selfish, Alex! I've tried everything to fight off what I feel for you, but that never happened when I realized I fucking l-" I quickly shut my mouth after almost blurting out that I love him. I quickly changed the subject, saying, "I've decided that I'm moving out." I sat up on the bed, looking straight into his eyes with an emotionless expression.

Alex didn't say anything but looked at me blankly, "W-what?" He stammered.

"You heard me. Don't worry; I'll see you at your wedding to congratulate you."

"No! I can't let you leave. Not again! You were in a coma for two months, and I haven't slept, hardly ate, and barely was stable to train. It was miserable without you."

"You have a choice, Al." I frowned slightly. "Saying no to an arranged marriage proposal is your right, and you should always have the final say. I'm supposed to be your Partner in Crime, meaning I can handle myself because I'm not a child. Sure, I'm eighteen and a teenager, but I grew up stronger than ever. I worked my butt off to come close to the top because you also showed me that it's okay to fall and be weak. But as long as I get up and keep fighting, then I'll be stronger and learn from before."

Alex patted my thigh lightly before lingering a kiss on my forehead. He motioned for his three siblings to follow him out the door. Now I was alone in a hospital room thinking about my thoughts.

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