chapter sixteen

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{Two Months Later}

Today is Alexander's and Nicole's wedding day. It's currently Saturday, and Aubrey, Hannah, Aisla, Abby, and Vivian are here with me.

Everyone was invited to the wedding. My girls know I still love Alex, and I'm nervous about seeing him again. It's been two months, and I'm wondering how he's doing.

My dress was a casual White V Neck Button Up Short Sleeve. The wedding was going to be at the beach, so I decided to stick with my white Birkenstocks. Time sure goes by fast. I put in my pearl earrings and my White Pearl Headband to match with my outfit.

"Are you nervous?" Vivian asked.

I sighed. Yes. "I'm scared of seeing him. It's been two months, and I keep thinking about all of these negative thoughts with him and Nicole. The guy I love is getting married."

"Oh, Lex, normally Nicole would be bragging on social media, but she has seemed pissed lately. Maybe he has something to do with it. Maybe he's been avoiding her." Aisla commented.

Aubrey grabbed the car keys, and we headed out. Santa Monica State Beach, here we come. It was about a 20 minutes drive from my house to the beach.

Everything was set out as a white theme. I was wandering around, not paying attention to anything until I ran into something, more like someone.

"Watch where you're go-" That voice sounded familiar. I looked up and met with the familiar face and familiar person that I fell in love with. "Lexi. . ." He looked handsome as ever. He was wearing a nice suit with his hair slicked back.

"Alex." I squeaked out.

Alex suddenly pulled me into a large hug. I missed his hugs more than anything. I could secretly see his family and friends smiling as big as they could. I could see his mom's eyes sparkle for some reason. I obviously wasted no time hugging him back.

"Mi sei mancato, neonata." Alex murmured. (Translation => I missed you, baby girl.)

Mi sei mancato anche tu, amore mio." I replied. (Translation => I missed you too, my love.) I pulled away from him, "Go. You have a wedding." I smiled sadly at him before walking away to my friends.

Alexander Kingston

I watched her perfect self walk away. I let out a sad sigh. I felt my friends come up behind me, so I turned around.

"I'm sorry, but this is utter bullshit." Noah blurted out. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. "Lexi is the strongest person we know-" Noah gestured to himself and the gang. "and you both are fucking miserable without each other. Everyone can see that you don't want to marry Nicole, and everyone knows why because she's so fucking unpleasant. Look at Lexi--" I turned my head to look at Lexi before looking back at Noah, "she is a fighter. You can't protect her from physical pain, Alexander. The only pain you're causing is emotional. Everyone has seen amazing shit with you, Alex, but nothing is amazing as Alexander and Alexandra because when you two are together, y'all are unbeatable! You aren't fucking protecting her; you're hurting her! And yourself! So get some shit into your brain before I smack it into you."

I was astounded at Noah's outburst.

"It's not too late, mate. You still have a say because it's your right." Jake declared.

Alexandra Montgomery

It was time. I was standing on the side with my friends. Many people from had come to the wedding. It's time to put on a brave face, meaning no more sad Lexi.

I watched Nicole come out. She practically ran up to Alex, dragging her dad behind her. I saw the Pastor roll his eyes.

"Do you, Nicole Gray, take Mr Dylan Davenport as your husband?"

"Yes. Yes, yes, yes - now him." Nicole quickly said.

The pastor turned to Alexander, "Do you take Ms Nicole Gray as your wife?"

Alexander Kingston

Tons of thoughts were going through my mind. All of the shit my family and friends told me about Lexi.

Nothing is amazing as team Alexander and Alexandra.

Nothing is amazing as Alex and Lexi.

Alexandra Montgomery

"No." Alex bluntly replied. The pastor raised his eyebrows and closed his book. Nicole was gawking at Alex. Alex scanned the room until his eyes landed on me. He sent that charming smile my way before looking back at Nicole, "I'm in love with someone else. She's beautiful, smart, and most importantly - my baby girl. I thought this marriage was going to protect her. I realized it's not because I know she can protect herself, and I've seen it before. She's my Partner in Crime figuratively and in reality, and nothing is going to change that. I used to be a cold-hearted man until she came along. She showed me the light and pulled me out of the dark. Falling in love doesn't make me weak; she made me stronger than I have ever felt before." Alex looked at me again and said, "And soon...I'd want her to become a Kingston."

Those 9 words made me swarm with butterflies.

I saw something that caught my eye. I ran up to Alex and tackled him to the ground. We were being attacked. Dylan hovered over me to which I assumed was to protect me from the bullets that were flying everywhere. His arms protectively were around me.

"Thanks, baby girl," Alex told me. "Oh, and Lexi." I hummed an answer. "I love you."

I looked at him with wide eyes but smiled, "Yo también te amo." He looked at me confused, which I giggled at, "It means I love you too in Spanish."

Alex handed me a gun with a smile, "Let's end these idiots."

I took the gun and started shooting at random targets and dodging at well, so I don't get shot. I can't believe we're under attack. People were screaming their lungs out, that's for sure. There was me, Alex, Dylan's gang, Alex's brothers, and Alex's parents that were shooting the targets. There were hundreds of targets. There were only 32 of us.

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