chapter fifteen

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Alexandra Montgomery

I had gotten out of the hospital a few days ago and was heading to Alex's house. My car was fixed, which I was grateful for. I walked into my bedroom and started packing until it was starting to look empty.

"Lexi, you're all packed." He frowned. I examined him and noticed large bags under his eyes, and his eyes were red like he's been crying.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Yeah, so I guess I can get out of your way now." I picked up a box and walked down the stairs to load my car. I also saw the guys downstairs as well, looking the same as Alex. "What's with you guys?"

"We've all been up for the past couple of nights. I don't think Alex has gotten any sleep. He's been silently crying in his bed for days." Kyle said.

I smiled sadly at them.

"He loves you, you know," Austin said. "You're the first girl he's ever loved in his entire life."

"I know," I said, but it somewhat came out as a whisper.

After 15 minutes, I was done packing my shit. This place was my home. If Jimmy did not die, then I would thank him for bringing me to Dylan. Thank you, Jimmy. I snapped out of thoughts when I saw Alex walk down the stairs.

Something unexpected happened.

Alex ran over to me and hugged the life out of me while crying. The man...was actually crying. I wasted no time hugging him back and burying my face in his chest. I even started having tears roll down my face.

Something else happened.

Nicole busted into the house wearing, of course, revealing clothing, high heels, and a caked face of makeup.

Alex tightened his grip on me, "Nicole, what are you doing here?" I saw a bunch of removal men lifting boxes into his house.

"I'm moving in! I know I wasn't supposed to move in until tomorrow, but I couldn't wait." Nicole replied. Her stupid minions were standing behind her.

I pulled away from him, "I have to go."

Alex gulped, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes. I looked at the boys who were trying their best to keep themselves together. This really is an emotional time.

I saw a tear roll down Alex's cheek. I wiped the tear off with my sleeve, "Mafia's shouldn't cry, Mio Amore." I smiled gently at it, causing him to chuckle a little. (Translation => Mio Amore means my love in Italian.)

"Non posso farci niente, baby. È un momento triste." Alex replied. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Alex's friends smiling at us. (Translation => I can't help it, baby. It is a sad time.)

I hugged Alex one last time before kissing his cheek and pulling away, but I did say one last thing, "Love you." Once I realized my mistake, I kept on walking until I reached the front door. "Alexander Reed Kingston, you better wipe that smirk off your face. I can practically feel you smirking." I didn't look back but walked out the front door, hearing his laugh echo one last time.

Alexander Kingston

"She knows you too well, mate," Jack stated.

"She's a keeper." Justin pointed out with a small smile.

"Allie, are you going to help me unpack?" Nicole asked.

I rolled my eyes, "No." I bluntly replied. "Your room is downstairs. When you reach the bottom of the staircase, walk around the staircase, walk straight a little, look to your left, and you'll see a really short hallway. Your room is the door straight across from where you'll be standing."

"W-what? We won't be sharing a room?"

I snorted, "Hell no. I'm only marrying you to protect Lexi. I don't care about your life, so don't try to talk about mine. I will never, ever love you. Got that?"

Nicole huffed, and I assumed went downstairs to her, and that's when I heard a piercing scream. I walked down the stairs, not really caring to see what happened. I walked into her room to see her absolutely okay.

"My room is so small!" She whined. "The closet isn't walk-in, the room is so plain, and the bathroom is so small. Alex, why can't I have Alexandra's room?"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "No. You're lucky enough you have a room with an ensuite and closet. You're not having Lexi's room because that's for Lexi's only!" I walked out of the room with her gaping at me.

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