chapter three

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I saw Alexandra's eyes lit up slightly, but I intensely listened to every word she had said. I don't know why; I just did. If it happened to be another girl, I wouldn't care at all.

"I have six brothers." Jesus. I saw a small smile on her face. "I've been a part of the Serpents since I was six, and I'm eighteen now. I shot my first person at 8 years old. I'm a black belt in karate and taekwondo and have never lost a fight. I've almost died 5 times because of bullets. I'm British; that's why I have an accent. I was born in England. I'm also Italian and Puerto Rican."

"I think my people will like you. My friends already seem to." I commented.

"Can you tell me about you?" She quietly asked.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I've been in the maf since I was 10. I'm twenty-one years old. I became the leader when I was 15 years old. I'm also Italian. I'm the eldest sibling of three. Hayden and Hunter are twins, and they're 12. I also have Ella, who's 6. I live alone to continue with the gang. I absolutely love Apple Crumble Pie." I heard Alexandra giggle slightly at the end.

I looked at Alexandra, who had her head on the window. I watched her eyes widened, and I got confused, "Alexander, watch out!" She screamed, pointing at something. I looked back at the road and saw a car had swerved into our lane. I turned the steering wheel to the left to make sure the car didn't her. I'd be a lot happier if it hit behind where she was sitting, and it did. The other car slid off the road.

Well, darn it. I am officially pissed. I turned to look at Alexandra and said, "I'll be back. I'm going to give this dude a piece of my mind." I angrily got out of my car and walked over to the other car. He looked okay.

"What? Alexander, be careful!" I heard Alexandra say.

Alexandra Montgomery

I got out of the car and saw the man in the car pointing his small gun at Alexander. I didn't hear what they were talking about, but I think I heard the man say, "Back off, asshole."

I walked over to the passenger seat and pointed the long gun from Alexander's car at the man's head through the window, "Language, sir." I glared at him.

The man turned to me. "Woah, Woah, Woah." He said. I looked at Alexander, who had a smirk on his face. The man slowly gave me his small gun. He slowly slipped out through the driver's window. I ran over to Dylan and gave him the guns.

"Okay, buttcheeks, put your hands on the car," I demanded the man.

Alexander had the guns I gave him pointed at the man. The man held his hands up in surrender and slowly put turned around and faced his car. The man also put his hands on top of his car.

"Alexandra, what do you think I should do with him?"

I looked at Alexander before looking at the man. Something seemed off about the man. He looked awfully familiar. "Wait a minute." I furrowed my eyebrows together. "You work for the Death Killers."

The man ran around the car and started running.

"Hey! Don't you run from us!" Alexander roared. I knew he was even angrier than before.

Alexander and I started running after the man. Unfortunately, the man didn't get far because of the trees surrounding the area.

"Freeze, mother fucker!" Alexander shouted after the man. "Freeze, dumbo!" Alexander had corned the man from the right, and I cornered the man from the left. The man looked at each of us; and made some weird movements with his arms, probably to distract us, and ran straight. Alexander and I chased after the man again while he got into his car.

Alexander pushed the guns in my chest while he ran over to the man's car and flopped his body onto it. The man had started driving off with Alexander on top of the car.

"Alex!" I called out. I ran after the car until a car came my way. It wasn't a car; it was a limousine. I jumped and rolled over the limousine and successfully landed on my feet.

James Russell

"What was that noise?" I asked. It sounded like a thump or something had landed on our car.

Noah gasped. "Mates, it's Alexandra." Everyone looked out the windows and indeed did see Daisy.

Alexandra Montgomery

I used the gun that Alexander had shoved into my chest and started shooting the tires to make them go flat. After seeing the car slow down, I ran over to them. Alexander had pulled a gun from his pocket and pointed it at the man through the windshield.

"Alex? Alexander?" Noah questioned, looking between me, the man, and Alexander.

Alexander hopped off the car. I opened the car door making the man drop onto the ground. All 20 other guys, Alexander's friends, had pulled their guns out of their pockets and pointed them at the man.

Ryan put handcuffs on the man's name, who I didn't know.

"Nice shot, Alexandra." Tyler complimented.

I grinned at him. "Thank you. I still practice my shootings."

"All right, mates," Alexander said from behind me. "Get the man and put him in the cells tonight. I'll deal with him in the morning."

Brandon and Cody grabbed the man and shoved him in the limousine. Alexander grabbed my hand gently and pulled me to his wrecked car. We both got into his car, and he drove us to his house. His house was huge. I also saw the limousine from earlier, so I assume his friends are here.

I got out of the car and walked inside with Alex. I was right. His friends are here.

"Welcome home," Alexander told me. "From now on, you're staying here." I looked at him with wide eyes and was about to say something, but he said, "Don't worry, you can see your friends and family whenever you want. If you do, at least text me when you're going out."

"Okay." I smiled lightly while looking around.

"Alexandra, you've already met my friends. So, that's Marcus, and that's Jackson. There's also Aaron, Oliver, Nick, Sam, Denver, Zach, and Chase." I watched him individually point at all the boys.

Marcus, Jackson, and Chase were all giving me this weird look. It wasn't a good one either. It was a very creepy look. It was like that same look Jimmy gave me.

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