chapter seventeen

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There were like 200 people. All 32 of us at least shot 7 or 8 people. After a while, they were all down. I dropped the gun onto the floor when Alex ran up and hugged the living out of me.

"Guys, there's still that one!" Nathan shouted, pointing at a man.

"That's the leader of that gang. That's Nicole's dad!" I pointed out after looking close enough. "He's escaping on the ski jets!"

Alex looked at me, "Come on, babe, let's go get this man. You in?"

I smiled at him, "You know it."

Alex and I ran towards the other ski jet. I sat in the front, steering it while Alex sat behind me. We followed Samuel Gray, the leader of the Death Enders. Unexpectedly, he started shooting at us.

We dodged the bullet, luckily.

"Who the fuck keeps a gun in a ski jet?" I shouted.

"Watch out!" Alex warned me.

"He ran out of bullets!" I exclaimed. We were close on Samuel's tail until we pulled up right beside him. "Jump!" I demanded Alex. Alex did so and tackled Samuels off his ski jet.


Alex and I finally came back on land with Samuel's in our hands. Sarah and Mike gave us a towel to warm up. Dylan hugged me tightly from behind and pecked my temple.

"Woo-hoo!" Joshua cheered. "You both got him!"

I smiled at Josh.

"'s official?" Alex questioned.

I looked up at him, "Always."

"Ally!" Nicole cried out. "You can't cancel the wedding!"

"Oh fuck off, Nicole." Alex rolled his eyes. "So, Lex, how about you move back in with me?"

"Sounds perfect."

"One slight change will be made, though."

"Hmm, and what's that?"

"You're moving into my room."

"And I'm okay with that." I grinned.

"Good." He chuckled.

"Yes!" Ella cheered. "Lexi's coming back!" I watched Ella jump up and down happily.

I giggled at Ella's excitement. I looked up and pecked Alex's chin which caused him to smile, "I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart. Since the day I met you." Alex replied.

It was official. Alex is all mine, and nothing could take that away from me. I loved him, and he loved me. It was like a fairytale. I feel like I'm living the reality of Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast. I met my Prince Charming while going through a lot of shit like Cinderella. Alex is the Beast, and I am Belle. I fell in love with a cold-hearted monster who eventually changed until we fell in love. I guess fairytales do come true.

"Let's go home, ay?" asked Alex. "Nicole, get your shit out of my house." I quietly giggled after seeing Nicole gape.


I looked around the house and smiled, "It feels good to be home."

Alex chuckled from behind me, You say it's good to be home, but I say it's good to have my baby girl back."

"Hey, what room has Nicole been staying in?"

"The room on the first floor farthest away from mine," Alex smirked.

I giggled, "That's good to hear, love."

"It's good to have you back," Logan said from behind me. "Nicole is annoying as hell."

Nicole walked it with her lips perked like a duck. Her minions followed behind her.

"Good, you're here." Dylan clapped. "Now get your fucking shit out of my damn house!"

"B-but All-" Nicole stammered.

"Now!" Alex sternly said.

Nicole got some moving men to move her stuff out of the house. Unfortunately, everyone knew that Nicole's dad was going to die. I stood on my tippy toes to peck Dylan's lips before Ella dragged me downstairs.

Alexander Kingston

"Whipped." Connor fake coughed.

I rolled my eyes at my best friend. Unfortunately, we had to deal with Samuel Gray, which was going to be boring.

Cold-Hearted | Book One | ✔Where stories live. Discover now