chapter four

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"Do you like it?"

I looked at Alex with my eyebrows raised, "Like? Alex, it's beautiful. I love it."

"Good. Your room is upstairs next to mine on the left if you're tired."

"Okay," I murmured. I walked up the stairs and followed Alexander's direction to my room. There were four bedrooms on this floor. I saw one bedroom downstairs when we walked inside the room.

The room is beautiful. There was a couch, a nice bedroom, and a walk-in closet. For some reason, all of my stuff was here. Did he already talk to my mother?

I walked into the closet to pick out some pyjamas. It was a crop-topped Champion hoodie with matching Champion shorts. After all, it's 2 in the morning, so I'm exhausted. I laid down on the bed and peacefully went into a good night's sleep.


It was the next morning. It's Saturday! I threw my hair in a messy bun and put on my glasses. I put on some corgi socks and walked my butt down the second staircase since it's closer to the kitchen. There are two sets of staircases - the main one and the one next to the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen, I saw Alex only in sweatpants. I shrugged off my thoughts, "Good morning."

Alexander didn't talk for a while. I was too busy rubbing my eyes to wake myself up. When I somewhat woke up, I saw that he was examining every inch of me. I coughed awkwardly, "Eyes are up here, bud." I pointed at my right eye with my index finger.

Alexander smirked. "Good morning."

"No training or anything?" I asked.

He shook his head, indicating a no. "No. Not on weekends. We only have training on Mondays through Fridays. Sometimes on Friday, I won't make us do training since it's technically considered a weekend." I nodded my head. "But...I do have a meeting tonight. There's this gang coming to meet me for some reason, so they're having dinner here."

I tilted my head a little. "Can I cook for you guys?"

Alexander chuckled, "Sure, if you want."

"Can my friend come over and help?"

He nodded.

I sat on the stool and texted Aubrey. I felt a presence come up behind me. I lifted my head and saw Alexander looking at my phone from behind me. Aubrey responded, saying she'd come over, so I texted her my new address since I moved out.

"What...are you doing?"

"O-oh, uh, nothing." I knew he was lying. He was talking way too fast when he answered me. Is he that worried about who I'm texting?

"Alex, are you that worried about who I'm texting?"

"No." He coldly replied. His eyes were holding a glare.

I blinked a few times, trying to process my mind. "I-I'll just go." I walked past him, keeping my head down slightly, and walked upstairs to my room.

I decided to watch Netflix on my MacBook; because why not? I chose the movie Finding 'Ohana to watch. It's a fantastic movie. I heard a knock on my door after 35 minutes. I assumed it was Alex because who else would it be?

"Alexandra..." A masculine voice said through the other side of the door. I was right. It is Alexander, and he seemed...sorry and...sad? I just looked at the door. "I didn't mean to snap at you earlier."

I sighed to myself. I got out of bed and walked towards the door. I hesitantly put my hand on the doorknob and slowly opened the door. In fell, Dylan. I laughed when his body fell to the floor. I guess he was leaning on the door.

"I hope that you laughing means you forgive me."

I helped Alex off the floor and laughed again, "Sure." He sighed in relief. "If..." Alex groaned out loud. "you finish this movie with me."

"I'm not watching chick-flicks, Lex."

I furrowed my eyebrows together. "Eww." I wrinkled my nose in disgust and also ignored the nickname he called me. "Chick-flick movies? It's an adventure and action movie."

"Alexandra, I am no-"

"Bye-bye." I pushed him out of my room and slammed the door in his face.

Alexander Kingston

"Mate, what are you doing?" Matthew asked.

I hadn't even realized that my friends had come over. I've been sitting in front of Lexi's door the whole time since she kicked me out.

"Why are you sitting in front of Alexandra's door?" This time, Daniel asked.

"Lexi's mad at me and kicked me out of her room," I grumbled.

Kyle laughed, "Dang. I almost feel bad."

All of a sudden, Alexandra walked out of her room with a confused expression. I immediately stood up. She was wearing a dance outfit.

"Where are you going?" Austin asked Alexandra.

"Dance studio? I have dance practice, and I have to be there."

"I'd be too sore for all of that," Jack said.

Alexandra rolled her eyes. "Y'all are all in your twenties. You guys don't even attend events anymore." Lexi stated. "Now shoo! I have to go!" She pushed her way through us and walked downstairs.

Justin spoke, "Huh. She really is mad at you."

"Wait, since do you care if people are mad at you?" asked Jake.

"I don't," I replied. "I just don't want Lexi to hate me."

"You do care." Nathan pointed out.

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