chapter eleven

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(Still in Alexander's pov)

We are heading to Georgia. I would take the plane, but I felt it would be fun to go on a road trip and to travel around since Lexi is off work. Lexi's changed me in a week. I find it weird how.


"Here we are! We've reached our destination!" I exclaimed. We were at Motel 6 in Lagrange, Georgia. It's a very cheap motel from what I could see. I turned my head towards Lexi, "Come on." I grinned slightly.

"Why can't I go?" Nicole whined.

Alexandra Montgomery

"Because it's dangerous," Alexbluntly replied. "But, if you came along and got hurt, that'd be better." I heard him mumble under his breath.

"And, plus, I have experience."

Alex grabbed my hand, and we walked out of the RV. We were finding out which motel room Gary was staying at. He's been moving from place to place.

"We need to find what room he's staying at," Alex stated.

"You said his last name is Durbin, right?" Alex nodded. "Okay, then it's room 75. 75 has always been Durbin's lucky number. My brothers have talked about him before, saying he always has to have or get something 75 whether it's food, motel's, items, etc."

We put our guns in our back pocket and walked towards room 75. Alex kicked open the door, and we saw something unexpected.

"Oh god, they're naked."

Dylan covered my eyes with his hand. There were Gary Durbin and two random girls doing a threesome.

"What the fuck. Get the fuck outta here." The brown-headed woman shouted.

"Yeah, we have the room for the next 45 minutes." The blonde woman said.

"Gary Durbin," Alex called out. "You owe me, scumbag. You're late, and everyone knows I hate when my shit isn't on time."

I moved Alex's hand away. I watched all three adults look at each other before separating. The brown-headed woman threw a lamp at us, but we dodged it in time. The blonde-headed woman launched a book at me while the brown-headed woman whacked Alex with a chair. That gave Durbin enough time to escape. I ran after Gary with Dylan behind me. Gary ran towards a white reading truck body and opened one of the compartments, and started throwing random tools at us. Luckily, I ducked all of them, but one hit Alex at his thigh.

I ran up to Alex and put my hands on his shoulder, "Are you okay?" Alex groaned in pain as an answer.

I saw Gary running towards the string lights that were dangling from a pole to the motel sign - so I pulled out the gun from my back pocket and shot 5 of the bulbs from the string lights, causing them to shatter. I watched Gary step on the shattered glass and fall to the ground.

Alex chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "That's my girl." After Alex said that sentence, I was swarmed with butterflies. Everyone had come out from the RV and congratulated me. Alexander walked over to the man and handcuffed him.

"Someone get him some pants." I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

Alex and I walked back to the RV with his arm slung around my shoulder. I sat right back on the couch for another long drive back home. I was back in the arms of Alex. I've realized he's been a bit touchy lately.


30-hour drive, here we come. Now, Alex has five people to deal with - Jackson, Marcus, Chase, the guy Alex and I crashed into, and Gary Durbin. After talking to my brain, my eyes began to feel heavy. I felt a kiss on my forehead like last time and fell asleep. Alex was talking with his friends, but I was exhausted. I noticed that before I fully fell asleep, everyone had lowered their voices - probably after realizing I was drifting off.


We were finally home. It felt great to be home. It was around 10:45 am when we got back home and it was currently 6:45 pm. I was chilling in my room watching tv until Alex busted into my room.


I looked at Alex with a confused expression. There's a thing called knocking, you know.

"My parents are having a formal party. You should come with me."

I stared blankly at him, "Isn't Nicole going to be there? After all, you guys are getting mar-"

"Don't finish that sentence." His expression was cold. His attitude was cold. "You know what? Get dressed because we're leaving soon." With that, he walked out of my room.

I groaned in annoyance but stood up anyway. I put on a Black Bodycon Mini Dress that my mum had given me on occasions like this. It is formal, after all. I slipped on my Black Cork Platform Lug Sole Stretch Strappy Sandals to match with my black dress. I used a black bandana to tie my hair back with some strands pulled out to frame my face.

 I used a black bandana to tie my hair back with some strands pulled out to frame my face

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( ^^^ Lexi's Hair ^^^ ) {Pretend the bandana is black :) }

"Alexandra! Come on!" Alex hollered from downstairs.

"Jesus, what's got his knickers in a twist?" I grumbled to myself. I grabbed my phone and stuffed it in my pocket before slowly walking down the stairs. I'm extremely self-conscious about my body. Yet, I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

Alexander Kingston

I watched her walk down the stairs. She looks even more beautiful, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. Man, I just wanted to ri-

God damnit, Alex, keep your hormones straight.

"Alexandra." I nodded.


I grabbed Alexander's hand and led her to my parents and my siblings. As soon as I was about to introduce Alexandra, Lexi interrupted,

"Mike? Sarah?"

Alexandra Montgomery

Sarah gasped, "Lexi." She pulled me into a huge bear hug.

"Mikey!" I let my arms out to hug him. I had no idea Sarah and Mike were Alex'sparents. Mike pulled me into a tight hug.

"Oh, uh, I guess you already know my parents." Alexpointed at two twins, "That's Hayden...and that's Hunter." He lightly introduced me to a little girl, "This is Ella."

I bent down a little in front of the little girl, "Hi Ella. I'm Lexi."

Ella smiled at me, "You're pretty!"

I laughed lightly, "Thank you, sweetie."

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