chapter five

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"Lexi!" my best friend yelled.

"Aubrey!" I ran up to her, and we hugged the life out of each other. Aubrey and I ran up to our dance crew. "All right, team, we got this. Just remember to have fun and no pressure. Pretend it's like practice and not an actual presentation." I told my team. "Now, let's go out and dance!" My team cheered loudly.

45 minutes have gone by, meaning it's halftime break. 15 minutes to cool down for a bit. I walked with Aubrey to the bleachers. I flopped my ass down on the bench. I felt someone sit next to me, and I saw Alexander.

I looked over, and I saw him. "Alex?"

Alexander chuckled. "Nice to see you too, pumpkin." He handed me a bottle of cold water, which I immediately took.

"How'd you know what studio I went to?" I asked him.

"I can hack a computer, and since you're mad at me, I figured I'd come to watch your practice to make it up to you."

I grinned and hugged him immediately. At first, he seemed stiff but, he did hug me back. I don't know how long we hugged because time went by fast. Break time was over, and my back was sore as hell.

"Go. Go dance, pumpkin." Alexander cheered.

I got up and ran over to my team. We danced and danced until another 45 minutes passed. The class period is finally done. After that, I ran up and hugged Aubrey while my dance crew jumped onto me. I ran up to my dance coach and hugged the shit out of her. After that, I instantly ran in the arms of Alex, almost tackling him.

Alex chuckled out loud. "Slow your roll, Lexi." I knew he wasn't being serious and was only messing with me.

I giggled slightly. "Sorry."

Aubrey ran up to me and threw her arm around my shoulder. She's only three inches taller than me. "Let's go!"

I looked at Aubrey, "Dude, you're driving," I told her. Actually, it was more like a demand.

Aubrey rolled her eyes and grabbed my keys out of my backpack. I walked with Alex. I got in the passenger seat of my BMW with Aubrey on the driver's side. We were blasting music from the speakers and jamming out. After about 5 minutes of driving, we ended up at his house.

"Damn." I heard Aubrey mutter while awing the house.

I smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, um, Jimmy's dead, and uh, I'm staying with the most feared mafia in the entire world. Also, a gang is coming here tonight, so we need to cook dinner." I shortly summed up.

I walked inside the house with Aubrey behind me. I led Aubrey up to my room which she immediately gasped at when she walked in.

 I led Aubrey up to my room which she immediately gasped at when she walked in

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Aubrey eyed something behind me, "Who's the teddy bear from?"

I gave a confused expression and turned around. A teddy bear was sitting on the floor. I walked over to it. There was a card and a bouquet of Blue Daisy Anemone. I opened the card that read,

Dear Alexandra,

I hope you enjoy this small gift because this does not happen at all. I don't give gifts or anything, but you just seemed like I needed to get you something. So, don't ask me why because my brain just kept telling me to.

I also saw that Blue Daisy Anemone's are your favourite. Daisy's for a special girl. You're welcome.

- Alexander Kingston

"Aww." Aubrey teased, which made me roll my eyes. I didn't even realize she was reading the card as well.

I stood up. "I'll be back," I told my best friend. I walked into Alex room, where I saw him going through his closet. He turned his eyes towards me and was about to say something until I said, "Sweatshirt. I'm not leaving until you give me one." He rolled his eyes and threw me a Champion sweatshirt. I left his room and went back to mine. "Okay, I'm back."

"Really? A sweatshirt?" Aubrey asked.

I hummed an answer and walked over to my closet to pick out some Nike shorts. I walked into my bathroom and threw on the Champion fleece v neck sweatshirt and my Nike shorts. I also ended up putting on some white long Nike socks. I lazily threw my hair into a bun and walked out.

"Okay, I give up!" Aubrey exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. I stared at her bewildered. "You, you're so beautiful. Like, you don't even try, and you're beautiful."

I laughed out loud, "So are you, Aubs. You're considered one of the prettiest people in school." I reminded my best friend.

Aubrey groaned then sighed. She grabbed my arm and made us walk down the second staircase to be closer to the kitchen. We were debating on what to make. It was nearly 5 pm, and the guests would be arriving at 7.

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