chapter seven

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"Enjoy your Apple Crumble," I told Alex. I shoved him towards the table. "Now eat." I turned around to walk away with Aubrey, but Alex stopped me,

"Aren't you going to eat?"

I turned around again, "I already ate. Before dance practice, we had a party in the studio. I'm still stuffed." Alex nodded, and I turned around and walked with Aubrey back up to my room.

20 minutes later, I heard a knock at my door. In came my room was Alex. I gave him my full attention, "I just wanted to check on you."

I laughed a little before saying, "We're good. We're just watching a movie."

"All right. I'm going out with my friends; we'll be back in a few hours."

I tilted my head slowly, "Where are you going?" I asked.

"Shooting range."

I nodded my head and continued watching the movie with Aubrey. I felt him linger in my room for a few more seconds before he left. I looked up and saw Aubrey looking at me.


"That's Alexander Kingston. Bitch, you moved in with him? Oh my god, the man is heartless as hell, but he acts to you."

I shrugged my shoulders, "He can be nice, but he can be snappy at times. He's like a bi-polar bear."

Aubrey laughed, throwing her head back, causing me to go into fits of laughter as well. After our laughing fit, Aubrey got a text, meaning she had to go back home. I gave her a huge ass hug before she had to go since her brother was in the driveway waiting for her.

Two hours went by, and I heard the front door slam. They're home already? I decided to walk downstairs and see for myself. I heard the sound of heels walking around. Guys don't wear heels. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I faced Nicole Gray, the Queen Bitch from my high school.

She was wearing very revealing clothes and very high heels. Considering she had gotten a boob and butt job, her boobs walked in before her body did. Her face was also caked in makeup, as always.

As soon as I walked in, Nicole scowled at me, "What are you doing here?"

"I live here."

Nicole's jaw dropped, "You what?!" She shrieked.

I saw Alex and his friends walk in through the door with worried and scared looks on his face. Alex looked straight at me, and I swear I saw him gulp. The sad part? I already knew what was going on. He was getting married. For years, I've heard Nicole brag about her parents set her up with a man and how she's getting married. I didn't think it would be with Alexander.

I was holding a bowl in my hand that I had brought down from my room. Aubrey and I had gotten a snack earlier. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Man, I hate crying. I dropped the bowl to shaken to do anything. I heard it shatter into pieces. I turned around quickly and walked up the stairs.

"Alexandra!" Dylan shouted. I kept on walking, and I didn't miss that smug look on Nicole's face. I felt a warm hand grab mine. "You have to trust me." His eyes were begging me too.

"You think I should trust you? Where will that ever get me, huh? As soon as you two get married, I'm useless. I'm only going to be a burden." I snatched my hand away and felt my hand go numb. I looked into his eyes and shook my head before walking up the stairs.

Alexander Kingston

I felt guilty. It's not like I wanted to marry Nicole. I don't know why my feet carried me upstairs, but I know Nicole was calling my name. I realized I stood right in front of Alexandra's door. I was only staring blankly at it.

"Lexi, open the door." I knocked lightly on her door.

"Go away!" I heard her shout.

Alexandra Montgomery

"Alexandra, I will break down this door."

I didn't even bother fighting. I knew he would do it. I unlocked the door and sat back down on my bed, hugging the teddy bear that he had given me. It was the only thing keeping me calm right now.

He walked in, and I could feel him staring at me. I looked down at the floor with the rest of my face buried on the teddy bear's head. I felt my bed dip beside me, and I knew he sat down next to me.

"Alexandra, let me explain."

I stood up and started walking in circles, "What is there to talk about? You're getting married. That's it!" I threw my hands in the air, frustrated. "Why the hell would you make me move in with you if your stupid ass fiancé is going to be fucking moving in?! There's honestly no way I'm going to be living with you for the rest of my-" I knew I was rambling, but I didn't expect to be cut off by being pushed against the wall and being kissed.

You got that right. The most feared mafia leader was kissing me. His hands gripped my hips. I was swarmed with butterflies in the pit of my stomach. The only thing I could feel was the electricity shots sparking.

I pushed him away and whacked him with the teddy bear in my arms, "Alexander, what the hell!" Alex held his arm with a slight pout on his face. It's a stuffed animal; I knew it didn't hurt.

"Lexi, sweetheart, do you seriously think I want to marry that vile woman?" He whisper-yelled at me. His eyes were dark and cold. I looked down at the ground clutching the teddy bear to me. I felt his warm hands cup my face, "Sweetheart, the marriage is arranged."

I looked him in his eyes, "What do you mean it's arranged?" I quietly asked.

Alexander chuckled, "If another gang or something ever tried to get ahold of Nicole, I wouldn't care. I'd be happy if they tortured her. They would think I'd go after her since she would be my fiancé. If I marry a very unpleasant and horrid woman, then there's no chance I'd like her."

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