chapter two

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I looked at the scene. There were: Logan Williams, Connor Eds, Ethan Hampton, Cooper Reynolds, Caleb Lee, James Russell, Noah Flynn, Ryan O'Donnell, Tyler May, Brandon Odell, Cody Simpson, Matthew Morris, Daniel Johnson, Kyle Burke, Austin Roals, Jack Holmes, Justin Glass, Jake Sanders, Nathan Stein, and Joshua Bass. And most importantly, the gang leader, Alexander Kingston. There were 21 guys. I knew them immediately because they are the most feared gang in the entire world.

Logan and Connor had thrown Jimmy on the ground. Then all of the guys looked at me, and I gave a sheepish smile.

"Now, now, now, what do we have here?" Alexander asked rhetorically. He looked me straight in the eyes.

I'm positive I wasn't supposed to answer, but me and my big mouth said, "Me standing with some of the members of the most feared maf in the entire world with an idiot of a manwhore on the ground." I even had a blank expression on my face as well.

Alexander was tall. I was 5'0, and he was probably about 5'11. Anyways he blankly stared at me with his mouth dropped slightly.

Ethan chuckled. "I like her. She's funny."

"What's your name?" Cooper asked me.

I was about to answer his question, but I heard a gun click. I turned around and faced another group of guys with a gun. It was another gang. It was the Deadly Hachess; they were a pretty weak gang, though. I think they should change the name to something more them.

Alexander stood next to me and put his arm out in front of me. I watched the Deadly Hachess pick up Jimmy onto his feet. Then it clicked into my head. "You're in a gang," I stated, looking at Jimmy.

Jimmy had a smug smile on his face, "That, you're right, Alexandra." Jimmy eyed all of the guys I'm standing with individually. Dylan looked furious as hell and tense. I put my right hand on his shoulder and my left hand on his back while rubbing soothing circles. Dylan snuck a glance at me, but his stiff figure relaxed slightly. "Shoot 'em," Jimmy commanded with crossed arms.

I waited. But nothing ever came. The guys behind Jimmy were stood there frozen like popsicles. They were holding their guns, but they looked scared.

Jimmy turned around. "Well, why aren't you shooting?" Jimmy shouted at his gang.

One of the boys spoke, "B-because that's A-Alexandra M-Montgomery." The boy pointed at me, and all the guys looked at me with shocked expressions. The boy cleared his throat, "She's the daughter of Evan Montgomery. She's the youngest billionaire, assassin, and fashion designer. She bombed an entire gang, led dangerous expeditions, got shot 15 times total, and is a survivor." The boy then pointed at Alexander, "He's the most feared person in the world."

I placed my forehead on Alexander's back which for some reason caused him to chuckle. "What do you think we should do, Alexandra?" He asked me.

I looked up and placed my chin on his shoulder, "Honestly? Their gang is way too weak, and they don't have a chance, so I'd go ahead and end them. Plus, Jimmy still owes you money, and he doesn't have it, so you'd kill him anyway."

Jimmy's eyes widened, and he started panicking. "P-please let me live. I-I'll find the money!" Jimmy begged Alexander.

"It was a three-month extension that we gave you." Caleb bluntly reminded.

A frown formed on my face. "Not to mention that you were the one that killed my Uncle that night after the gang leader from the Death Killer gang paid you to do it. My brothers have been hunting you down to end you but never could because you were always at school or something."

Alexander looked at me for a slight moment before looking at his gang. "End them. End them all and make sure they're dead." Alexander demanded. It was cute seeing him in control for once. He grabbed my hand and dragged me away from where all the bullet commotion was.

He ended up dragging me to a really nice car.

"Get in." He coldly demanded.

Damn. One minute he was all sweet and protective, and now he's all cold-hearted and demanding. Well, what did I expect? He's known for being cold-hearted.

I didn't say anything. I obeyed and got into his car.

"You witnessed a kill, so now I have to figure out what to do with you." He didn't even look at me. He kept his eyes on the road.

I glanced at him before looking at the road. "Technically, I didn't witness it. You pulled me away before it happened." I corrected.

"J-just shut up."

So I listened. I kept my mouth quiet after he told me so, but I didn't miss the part where Alexander shook his head, and the corner of his lips went upwards a little. I made him smile!

Alexander Kingston

She looked so innocent. I would've never thought she would be in a gang. When that guy pointed out she was thee, Alexandra Montgomery, I had no words. I think the name Alexandra suits her, though.

"What are your friends going to do with Jimmy?" Alexandra asked.

I looked at her for a moment. She had grey eyes, which were uncommon. It was like they were her own kind of grey. I said, "Well, he's dead, so I guess we'll leave him there. The guys took the limousine, and we're all going back to my house. You'll meet the rest of my gang there." I snuck a glance at her and saw her messing with a bracelet. "Tell me about yourself, Alexandra."

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