chapter ten

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(Still in Noah's pov)

"How long is this drive?" Nicole whined with a weird-looking duck lip.

Tyler rolled his eyes, "We've only been on the road for 3 and a half hours."

"Hey!" Lexi called out, catching all of our attention. "Does anyone need to use the restroom? There's a rest area in 5 miles."

"There's a bathroom here, though." Ethan reminded.

"I know, but it's so we can stretch our legs and shit. We won't be on the ground until another 29 and a half hours." Lexi replied.

Alexandra Montgomery

Everyone quickly used the restroom and stretched their limbs. Ethan was now driving instead of Alex. I was sitting in between Dylan's legs with his arms wrapped around me and his chin on my right shoulder. The tv was on, so we were watching a random horror movie. Brandon had given me a blanket earlier, which I thanked him for. I could also feel Nicole glaring at me, but I didn't care.

A yawn escaped my mouth. I guess I was getting tired. I blinked the watery tears away after I yawned. I took off my glasses and put them on the table behind Alex.

"Someone's sleepy," Alex commented. "Get some sleep, princess. I'll be here when you wake up."

I got cozy and snuggled up to Alex. I felt safe and protected. I felt him kiss my forehead lightly before my eyes began to feel heavy. I fell asleep in the arms of Alexander Kingston.

Alexander Kingston

I woke up to flashing and multiple voices. I rubbed my eyes, careful not to wake up Lexi, who was sleeping peacefully on my chest.

"What the hell." I groaned. "Why are you guys fucking taking pictures and talking so loud?"

"We may or may not have been taking pictures of you and Lexi," Cody said sheepishly.

I facepalmed myself. "Mates, you guys are going to wake her up. Stop taking pictures of us." I demanded them with a stern face.

I saw Nicole come out wearing Black Women's Lace See Through Lingerie Sheer Nightwear Dressing Robe Gown. And by see-through, I mean you can literally see her undergarments. I shared disgusted expressions with my friends.

"Nicole, go put on some damn clothes!" I whisper-yelled, pointing to one of the bedroom doors. I didn't want Lexi waking up and seeing this right now. I kept my voice low so I wouldn't wake up the peaceful angel still asleep in my arms.

"I am wearing clothes, Alex," Nicole said ever so innocently. She started batting her stupid fake eyelashes on me.

Eventually, Lexi started stirring and woke up slightly. Lexi sat up in my lap, and I panicked. I covered Alexandra's eyes and yelled, "Nicole, go put on some damn clothes! Now!" Nicole jumped back and nodded.

Alexandra slowly took my hand away from her eyes, "Was she wearing see-through clothes again?"

Everyone exclaimed a 'yes' in unison.

Lexi shook her head in annoyance, "I have six older brothers, and she found them all rather charming, so she showed up at my house at 4 am on a Saturday to show off her body or something, wearing only a bra and underwear. Gio was close to getting a baseball bat and wanting to whack her for disturbing all of our periods of sleep."

That had my friends and me rolling and drowning in laughter.

"Lexi, what's the craziest thing you've ever done?" Matthew asked her. Everyone's eyes went on her for an answer.

"Oh god." Alexandra thought about it for a moment before replying, "A few summers ago, Aubrey and I were at my Quinceañera to celebrate my birthday. My grandparents bought loads of alcohol. Anyways, we got pretty wasted that night. Aubrey and I ended up driving towards Walmart. I had like 200 hundred dollars in my pocket, so we spent it all. We ended up buying a bunch of toilet paper rolls. I got in a shopping cart with Aubrey pushing me around. We ended up knocking down a bunch of shit in the aisles and screaming our lungs out. We ended up buying bikes and riding them around the store until we got kicked out. Unfortunately, we got turned in for the destruction of property. After that, we ended up toilet papering our principal's house that night. He still doesn't know who did it."

Everyone stared at her with their jaw drops before doubling in laughter. I was wiping the tears from my face from laughing so hard.

"Were your parents mad?"

Lexi turned her head towards me, "Actually, no. My mum was cheering me on and yelling at the police. My brothers were even supportive too. Eventually, my mum punched the police in the face knocking him out, so we took a run for it."

I started laughing again, and so did my friends. Our laughing fit was cut fit when Nicole walked in wearing a very tight, short, red dress with killer heels that she could barely walk in.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Lexi, "Lex, what's your favourite breakfast?"

"Toast and scrambled eggs."

Hmm. It's simple. "All right, I'm going to make toast and scrambled eggs. Is that all right?" Everyone nodded their heads or mumbled a 'yes' or 'yeah.'

"Actually!" a high-pitched voice interrupted. As always, it was Nicole. Her friends came out and stood behind her. "Ally, I want scrambled eggs on toast with fresh-squeezed orange juice and a croissant."

I had already started cooking with Lexi as my little helper. I realized that Lexi always puts her hair in a messy bun and has her glasses on when she needs concentration, or she's just in one of those lazy days. I found it utterly adorable.

Lexi stared blankly at Nicole. Before she could say anything, I said, "No. We aren't a maid, Nicole. If you want anything in particular, then you're to make it yourself."

I saw Lexi holding back a laugh, but I heard some of my friends snicker quietly. Nicole just stood there with her mouth dropped open.

"You better get cooking." Alexandra sneered as she threw a pair of oven mitts at her.

I handed Lexi a plate of food so she could eat. We all needed energy. We also gave everyone else their food.

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