Karina | Part 16

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6 weeks later

The Virginia air was crisp this morning. I leapt out of bed with a quickness, not wanting to have trouble finding parking on campus. Today was the first day of spring semester. After showering, I did my hygiene and made sure Ari was up for class. As always, her ass was dead asleep with Sammy wrapped around her. I rolled my eyes and continued getting dressed. I decided on a simple outfit today and put my waist-length braids into a high ponytail. I let the car heat up for a while before answering facetime.

"Good morning babe" I said cheerfully, smiling in the camera before pulling out.

"Good morning baby," Brian said sleepily. "How did you sleep?"

"Okay, better if you were here though" I said.

"Come lay with me after class," he said, yawning.

"Okay babe, i'm pulling into school now i'll hit you after" I said, ending the facetime. I know it might come as a shocker to some that Brian and I decided to start dating again. Brian and I have a really long history. We're both from the same town and our moms have been friends since before we were born. When I went home for Christmas break, what started out as just having sex turned into us having a full blown relationship. Of course Ari had a lot to say about it. She has always hated Brian, which is the reason he never comes over.

As soon as I got out of the car, I put my airpods in. My plan was to go straight to class then to Brian's. I was not trying to run into any unexpected faculty. I raced to East Campus just in time for class. I took a seat next to my pledge sister, Dara. As the professor got ready to begin class, I opened my laptop and immediately cringed at the email that popped up on the screen.

"Dear Students,

If you are receiving this email, you have received an incomplete (I) grade on your fall transcript. Please contact your professor to resolve this issue. If the incomplete grade is not resolved within six weeks, you may be prohibited from accessing your transcript, registering for classes, or maintaining your position on any academic or non-academic student-led affinity groups."

I clicked out of the email rolling my eyes. A incomplete??? How the fuck did I receive and incomplete. By now, the professor has already started down the rabbit hole about the syllabus, but I was on a quest to locate which one of my asshole professors gave me an incomplete grade last semester. After waiting what felt like hours for my transcript to load, my eyes immediately fell upon the one class I never wanted to receive an incomplete in.


I shook my head silently, trying to find out more information about how to get this I removed from my transcript. Dr. Rhodes was the last person I wanted to see. The last time I saw him, I was running out of his hotel room with no shoes on.


"Babe ... please" I told him, trying to get him to let up. Instead, he used his arms to hold my legs back as he continued to feast.

Suddenly, I heard someone knocking loudly on the door. I sat up, making Trey do the same.

"Treyyyy.... Open the door" we heard from the outside of the door. It sounded like a girl's voice, who was clearly drunk because this bitch was screaming and banging on the door like its not the middle of the night.

Trey swiftly grabbed a pair of sweatpants from his overnight bag and threw them over his rock hard.

"Stay in here please" He said, leaving the room. I threw the blanket over me, trying my hardest not to get upset over the girl coming to Trey's room.

Because Trey had closed the bedroom door behind him, I could barely hear the conversation happening outside.

I grabbed the blanket and made my way quietly toward the door.

"Leslie what the fuck are you doing here?"


"Babyy I'm tired lets go to bed" Leslie said, trying to make her way into the suite with trey blocking her at the door.

"Whoa whoa, where are your clothes?" Trey said, sounding frustrated. "Where is her room?" Trey asked her friend, who was just as fucked up.

"453 I thinkk?!" She said, taking off running down the hall toward the vending machine. Leslie watched her friend and took off right on her heels. I'm guessing Trey ran after them too because I heard the door slam shut along with his heavy feet running away from the room.

"Fuck Karina" I say to myself, getting up and trying to put my dress on. I have never been so embarrassed in my life. Not only was I about to fuck my professor, but he's also fucking with the TA. I know Trey is young so I see no reason why he shouldn't date around, but this drama was a little too much for me. I was skeptical that Trey was fucking with Laila but her coming to his door was all the confirmation I needed.

I hurried grabbing the remainder of my items. I looked through my purse and made sure I had my room key, phone and wallet. Not wanting to run into Trey, I quickly ran out of the room forgetting to grab my shoes by the door. I quickly tried to turn and open it but the door locked automatically. I made my way up to my room, horny, depressed, and tired as hell. I got in the shower and laid in bed. I NEVER want to see Trey again. As far as my major is concerned, I never have to take another course with him, and he rarely shows up to rush events so it should be easy to avoid him. Just as I began to fall asleep, a text lit up the room.

Brian : Wyd?

I rolled my eyes and texted him back. I guess it doesn't get any better than this.


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