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Trey unlocked the door and once inside I took off my shoes. Trey began loosening his tie and walked over to the bar to grab us some drinks. "Grey Goose or Moet?" he asked with his back still turned to me. "Umm grey goose please" I told him as I rushed away to the bathroom. As I sat down on the toilet, my phone began to ring. I let out a mental groan seeing it was Brian. I ignore the call and finish my business. When I saw Brian calling again, I quickly answered the phone trying to keep my voice down.

"What?" I asked, already irritated.

"Man what's up with the attitude? I was just seeing if you were around and wanted to hang out?" Brian protested.

"Bry look at the time, you know damn well you not trying to chill right now. I'm not coming off of anything so have a good night" I say hanging up, not even giving him the chance to object. I look in the mirror once more before walking out of the bathroom. Trey had been sitting on the ottoman with his tie undone and the first couple of buttons open. He nodded his head toward the drink on the counter.

"You know my mama always told me to never accept a drink from a stranger" I said, taking a seat next to him. His reaction was slow and methodical. He let out a light chuckle before saying, "well then I guess it's a good thing I'm not a stranger" his voice absolutely dripping in sex. I took a long sip of my drink trying to remain unfazed on the outside, when in all actuality I was ready to jump his bones. "Touche, I guess you're not" I say, clinking my glass to his while crossing my legs. Trey must've noticed my gesture, because immediately after he cleared his throat and sat back into the seat.

There was a light silence between us, currently being filled with 90's R&B softly playing in the background. My glass was empty, and I had drank enough tonight. I got up to bring the glass to the kitchen area when I noticed a figure following behind me. I placed the glass in the sink and began to wash it. When I looked up, I immediately made eye contact with Trey.

"You should take a picture, it would last longer" I told him, rolling my eyes. "YoU ShOuLd tAkE a PiCtUre ... shut up" Trey projected trying to mimic my voice. I laughed a little because he was usually very serious, yet tonight he was letting his guard down and actually making jokes. Trey made his way around the counter until he was standing behind me. I felt his large frame press into mine. I can't even lie, I was nervous as shit. I felt his large hand wrap around my waist, while the other found its way up to my neck to move my hair all to one side.

"In all seriousness, you looked so fucking beautiful tonight" Trey said, kissing my neck intermittently. I would've never thought I would be the type to fuck my teacher, but here I was, about to let this man do his worst. I turned around and almost as if we were magnets, our lips met. I deepened the kiss by letting Trey's tongue pass though, wanting to feel every piece of him in that moment. Trey had his one hand gently wrapped around my neck, while he used his other to roam my body. He stopped when he made it to the bottom hem of the front of my dress. He ran his fingers up my dress, stopping once he found the treasure. I could barely stand and we had been making our way to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom, Trey gently pushed me onto the bed. My dress was hiked up already, so I went ahead and took it off. Just as trey made his way onto the bed with me, his phone began to ring. I knew it was this old ass nigga's because who doesn't keep their phone of silent? The phone continued to ring and it interrupted me a bit. Trey took notice and said "let that shit ring" in between kisses. Trey began to kiss my neck, going down a little farther each time until he reached my thighs.

"So fucking beautiful" he said, looking directly at me. Without looking, he slid his finger in my wetness. I let out a loud moan, and he continued to snake his finger in and out, picking up the pace. He continued to place kisses around my inner thighs.

"Tell me what you want" He said, blowing on my clit in the process. Don't get me wrong, I loved how sensual this was getting, but I wanted him to stop playing and fuck me.

"I asked you a question" he said again, working his fingers at full force.

"Fuck.... I want you to fuck me" I yell, cumming on his two fingers.

"Thats what I the fuck I thought" He said, lowering his mouth onto my clit. He started to make circles before locking down hard and sucking the life out of me.

"Babe ... please" I told him, trying to get him to let up. Instead, he used his arms to hold my legs back as he continued to feast.

Suddenly, I heard someone knocking loudly on the door. I sat up, making Trey do the same.

"Treyyyy.... Open the door" we heard from the outside of the door. It sounded like a girl's voice, who was clearly drunk because this bitch was screaming and banging on the door like its not the middle of the night.

Trey swiftly grabbed a pair of sweatpants from his overnight bag and threw them over his rock hard.

"Stay in here please" He said, leaving the room. I threw the blanket over me, trying my hardest not to get upset over the girl coming to Trey's room.

Because Trey had closed the bedroom door behind him, I could barely hear the conversation happening outside.

I grabbed the blanket and made my way quietly toward the door.

"Laila what the fuck are you doing here?" Trey said. 

Laila?? Our TA?? 


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