Gala Pt. 2

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I was immediately met with a pair of strong hands that easily grasped my sides. "Creed" I thought to myself, trying to figure out what kind of cologne he wore so I could buy it later. Even in 5 inch heels, he was taller than me. As we swayed to Monica and Usher, I kept my head down trying to avoid his gaze.

"You look incredible tonight" Trey said, showing that million dollar smile. I looked up at him and laughed awkwardly, trying to take in the complement without drawing too much attention to us.

"Well thank you, you look very dapper yourself" I said matter-of-factly. He smiled and said "thank you baby" In that husky voice of his. I laid my head on his shoulder for the remainder of the song, trying not to wet myself. When the song ended, the lights came on and "blow the whistle" by Too Short came on. This was our strolling song, so all the girls lined up.

As the night continued to wind down, I was so ready to go. I was hungry as hell, tired, and my feet hurt. I lost track of Trey about an hour ago, he must've driven with his frat brother. Me and Ari hurried outside to try to grab a cab to the waffle house up the street. Even though it had been a couple of hours, we were still too fucked up to drive. While waiting for the Uber, I spot the shiny black car pulling into valet. Looking for it's driver, I turn around.

"Looking for me?" Trey says, scaring the shit out of me. He laughs a little and I smack his arm before laughing.

"Oh so you can dish it but you can't take it huh" Trey says, play punching my arm.
"Oh no I can take it very well" I say lowly, walking back to Ari.

"The Uber should be pulling up right now" Ari says, and I shake my head in agreement. Trey and his Frat brother Miles get in the car, beeping the horn to try to get our attention. We start walking over to the car.

"What's up?" I ask concerned.

"Get in" Trey says, unlocking the door. We both slide in the car quickly before taking off.

"Where we headed too ladies" Trey asks, turning down the music.

"Well me and Ari were gonna go grab food from the waffle house real quick" I say. I notice Ari whispering to miles on the side of the seat. Ever since she broke up with Sammie it seems like she's willing to fuck anybody.

"Well you can just bring us back to the hotel, were pretty tired anyway" I add, wanting to get out of this car as soon as possible.

"Wait, Rin I thought you said you were starving? I'm am pretty tired tho" Ari says not reading the fucking room, I mean car.

"Yeah, me too" Miles says.

"How bout this, I drop these two off back at the hotel and we can grab food from the waffle house?" Trey says. Well there was no way out of this one without a fight.

"Cool" I say in defeat.

Traffic was light so we looped around the corner back to the hotel. For a bitch that was tired Ari moved her ass up out this car quick with her nasty ass. Miles was hot on her heels so I'm sure they're already fucking by now.

Me and Trey made small talk as we pulled up to the waffle house. I placed my order and waited for my food. I figured I would eat back in my hotel room since I was the only person sleeping in there.

"Where too now?" Trey asked.

"Uh back to the hotel please" I say quietly.

"Absolutely" Trey says, pulling up. We stepped out of the car, and I waited on the curb for trey to hand his key back to the Valet boy.

"You know I have a room here tonight" Trey says, putting his hands in his pockets. So is this an invitation or? I thought to myself. Instead of saying anything too crazy, I just say "oh yeah?" and he shook his head.

" if you want some company while you eat your fries, I would love for you to accompany me to my room for a drink, if you're not too tired" He says, turning to face me. I smile sweetly,

"Sounds good" I say. Thank god I went and got that brazilian yesterday. While in the elevator, Trey grabbed by bag and ate some french fries out of it, with a smile on his face. I reached down and snatched the bag back, causing him to look down at me and laugh. As we made our way to out of the elevator, Trey follows behind me with his hand at the small of my back. 

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