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I arrived at the study room in the library that Dr. Rhodes had reserved for our study session. It was the beginning of hell week, so I was working my ass off. I laid my head on the desk waiting for Dr. Rhodes to come in. I'm guessing I must've dozed off because the next thing I heard was the door slamming when Dr. Rhodes came in.

"Hell week putting you through it, huh?" I nodded my head. I looked like shit. I had my hair down with the curls falling in my face, and no makeup.

"You gotta tighten up, Chase. Shit aint how it was back when I was pledge master" He said.

"Oh yeah? Tell me about when Dinosaurs roamed the earth" I said.

"I'm only 26 youngin. Maybe some other time, right now we have to work on a Merchant of Venice" Dr. Rhodes said. Getting up and going to the board. He had his back turned toward me, writing something I could care less about. He did have a nice ass though. When he turned around, I noticed his print shining through his chinos. Let's just say his dick definitely matched his energy. I heard him talking but my eyes were fixated.

He cleared his throat "Karina, my eyes are up here" he said with a sly smile. I sat back in my chair pretending to care about whatever he was teaching, this was going to be a long ass session.


When our session was done, I decided to text Ari before I left school to see if she wanted to grab something to eat. Dr. Rhodes was right behind me, and he grabbed the door for me before I could touch it.
"Thank you Dr. Rhodes" I said

"Trey. and you're welcome. I wouldn't be a man if I let you walk out here by yourself" he said.

"Well Trey, thank you, but I can take care of myself" I added. We had made it to my car.

"Oh i'm sure you do a great job of taking care of YOURSELF" he said, showing all of his pearly whites.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. Was it that obvious that I wasn't getting dick?

"Have a nice night Ms. Chase" he said, closing my driver's side door. 

Professor RhodesWhere stories live. Discover now