Trey Rhodes

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I walked into the hazy club really not wanting to be here. Even when I was the president of the frat, this type of shit was never my scene. Now I just feel like a old head, even though Im only 26. The sorority we were mixing with was pretty cool, we had done this type of shit in years past, but we had to stop after the sisters started making the pledges fuck to get into the sorority. As im walking in, I didn't expect everyone to gravitate toward me. I mean being a professor at the school made it kind of hard to interact with the frat, because it could possible cause a conflict of interest. Just as im making my way over to the bar, one of my young bulls Brian comes up to me. Brian was cool, he was just super fucking immature and I could only fucking take him in small doses. "What are the odds that that bitch at the bar is coming home with me tonight?" Brian asked with an evil grin. Her back was toward me, but from what i could see she had ass for days. She had a nice little figure I wanted to see what was up. "No chance, imma get her" I told him. I didn't really want to take her home, well not tonight anyway, but i couldnt let this fucking bozo have her. I swagger over to the bar, standing adjacent to it. "I'll have two more of what the lady here is having" I say smoothly. The bartender turns to go make the drinks and the girl turns around slowly. Oh my shit, I thought to myself. What is Karina doing here?! I mean she is a student but damn. Judging by the look on her face, I could tell she was surprised to see me. Even though i was shocked to see her, i kept my cool and smiled.

"Drinking on a school night, Ms. Chase?"

"I've only had one drink, sir" sh said nervously

"Oh yeah? And i take it my essay is in the dropbox?" I say seriously

"Its there" she said.

Just then, the bartender comes back with our drinks. I look her in the eyes and say cheers and winked. She just smiled and looked away. I almost fucked around and choked though. Man, what the hell is she drinking? This shit is strong as hell.

"Titos on the rocks? You must be trying to lose something tonight" I tell her

"Yeah, my mind" she says laughing

"Well im going to let you get back to that, have a safe night Chase" I say walking off. She smiled and turned away. She was so fucking beautiful. If only she wasnt my student. I see some of the older brothers hanging together, and i walk over and start chopping it up with them. When I glance back over to Karina, she was gone. 

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