Chapter 1 | Karina

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I'm currently running across campus trying to make it to my 9:00 am class. I decided to sleep in a little later than normal and parking was a bitch. Before I walk into lecture, i look down at myself. I decided on a pair of ripped jeans, a simple top and a cardigan. My hair was a little messy from running outside so I decided to put it up into a high pony to get it out of the way. When I walk in, I proceed to the back of the class away from dr. Rhodes. Dr. Rhodes wasn't exactly the kinda professor you could bullshit. His class took time, energy and most importantly, participation. I grab a seat next to my bestie Arianna and start pulling things out of my bag. I tried my best not to make eye contact with Dr. Rhodes but as soon as I look up, he says "tell me Karina, if you had to direct The Merchant of Venice, how would you portray Shylock"
FUCK. I silently whisper to myself. At least that's what I thought. I sat there dumbfounded while Dr. Rhodes hung his head and proceeded with lecture. I fucking hate English Lit. And more importantly, I fucking hate Dr.
Rhodes. Everyone here at Hampton thinks he's so hot, and I can't lie, he is beautiful, but that attitude he has completely turns me off. The end of the hour came and I was determined to get the hell out of the class ASAP. As I'm running down the steps my book bag spills all of the contents on to the floor. Fuck my life. I gather the stuff up and throw it in to my book bag as quickly as possible. As I'm crossing the threshold of the door, Dr. Rhodes calls out, "Oh, and Ms. Chase may I speak to you for a second".

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