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I sat in my seat annoyed at the day to come. Today was the day when we finally received our midterm grades from Dr. Rhodes. Ever since I saw him with Laila 2 weeks ago, I've been avoiding his ass every chance I get. He's tried to talk to me at a couple of rush events, but I just walked away when I saw him coming. I sunk down in my seat next to Ari and tried not to look at him as he came sauntering in. He wore a pinstripe suit, and I have to admit, he was looking good as usual. As class went on, I noticed that he didn't look at me once, even though I raised my hand to ask a question about our next writing assignment. I knew the time to face him was coming, because in order to get our midterm grade we had to go to a scheduled 15 minute conference. When class was over, I slowly made my way out of the class, trying to give Dr. Rhode's a head start to his office so that I didn't run into him on my way there. I looked at the conference sheet and saw that my conference was the last one of the day. FUCK. that means I had to stay here until 4. I slung my backpack on and headed to grab some food and then to the library. Before I could make it to the commons however, I felt someone come up behind me and grab my ass. "What the fuck?" I thought to myself, turning around. It was nobody but Brian. After he kissed me 2 weeks ago, I blocked his number. What the fuck is up with him?

"Damn so you gone act like a nigga don't exist?" he smiled. I turned around and continued to the commons. He draped his arm over my shoulder and I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Damn can I have some fucking breathing room? What is up with you?" I asked pushing him with my elbow.

"You aint need no breathing room when I was in them guts, did you?" he said lowly, and smiled. I continued walking, not acknowledging his comment. I couldn't lie, I was a little turned on. Not cus I actually wanted to fuck him, but because it had been so long since I had sex, I didn't know how much longer I could last.


It was 3:55 so I grabbed all my shit and headed to Dr. Rhode's Office across campus. I took the long way because I really wasn't looking forward to facing this man. It was still super sunny out, so I threw on my black ray-bans and continued to his office. I made it there at 4:01. "Fuck" I thought to myself, as I let out a sigh. I walked into his office, noticing that he had taken off this suit jacket and tie. He wore his white button down, with two buttons undone at the top. This man was going to be the death of me.

"You're late. Close the door" he said, leaning back in his chair. I closed the door and started to speak. "Yeah so--" "Take those shades off when addressing me"he said assertively.

I removed my shades and placed them in my bag. I'm guessing Dr. Rhodes noticed I was a little flustered from the walk, because he got up and handed me a bottle of water. I nodded a thank you, as he handed me my midterm. He sat there silently, as I looked over the papers in disgust.

"Not your best work, Ms. Chase. I expected more from you" he said.

"Honestly, I don't know what I did wrong," I said confused. This mutherfucker gave me a D.

"Yeah, I think we need to tighten up your writing before the final if you're going to pass my class" he said.

"I can tutor you, give you extra assignments and try to get you on the right track," He added.

"No way, I'll just work on it alone" I said getting up.

"Okay Ms. Chase. But before you leave, I should inform you that I am mandated to report any and all grades below a C+ to the greek life organization, and your position as pledge master may be suspended until next semester.

I sat my ass right back down. Dr. Rhode's gave me a soft smile. "So... what you're saying is if I let you tutor me, you won't report my grade?" I asked. He gave me a nod. I sat back defeated. This asshole always knows just the way to get me right where he wants me.

He got up from behind his desk and came to sit on the edge on the same side as me. I turned my body to face him.

"You tried to fuck me" He said, looking directly at me. I was so taken aback I didn't even know how to respond. "What?" was all I managed to choke out. "That night I brought you home, you tried to have sex with me, kissing all on me and shit" he added. I narrowed my eyebrows. This could not be happening. I tried to fuck HIM? Baby, I don't try, I do.

"Oh yeah? And let me guess, you were the perfect gentlemen and just brought me home" I said rolling my eyes. If this was what he wanted, this was what he was going to get.

"Well, you were pretty fucked up, and you threw up all over yourself, so I couldn't really do anything. Besides, I'm not risking my job fucking around with a girl like you" he said.

"A girl like me huh?" I asked. What the fuck did he mean by that?

"Yeah, I found it incredibly inappropriate for you to try to have sex with me knowing I am your teacher." Dr. Rhodes said.

"Well, you said it yourself. I was fucked up, and when I see something I want, I get it" I smiled. "But that still doesn't explain how I woke up naked in my bed" I added.

"I brought you upstairs to your apartment, took off the dress you threw up on, put you in the shower, and then put a shirt on you. I gave you an aspirin before you went to bed, and just like that you were out. I grabbed my things and went home." he said plainly.

"So... you saw me naked?" I asked.

"Don't flatter yourself, I've seen plenty of women, and you were no different" he said. He's such an asshole.

"Well thank you, but it's getting late and I have to go" I said, getting up.

"I will email you the times I'm available to meet, get home safe," he said. "Wait Ms. Chase, I have one more question before you go" he added. I turned on my heels.

"So Brian, he was the best you could do?" He gave me a devilish smile.

"Well Laila was the best you could do" I said, turning around walking out of his office. He started to say something, but I kept going.


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