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It had been 3 weeks since i've seen Dr. Rhodes. Ari was sending me voice recordings of his lectures so I didn't have to go to class. Honestly, I didn't even know what to say to him when I saw him. Like would it be awkward? Anyway, midterms were coming up so i couldn't afford to miss anymore class. This meant that I unfortunately had to face him. I decided not to get there too early or too late, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Because it was cooling down in Virginia, it was a little chilly. I wore a baby blue long sleeve jumper and brushed my hair into a sleek pony. I had two other classes today so i wanted to at least be comfortable. 

I make it to class with about 5 minutes to spare

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I make it to class with about 5 minutes to spare. I sat next to Ari, while she continued to play on her phone. I hear the door slam at the front of class, and I knew Dr. Rhodes was here. 

He looked good as always, and unlike other days, he walked in with a smile on his face

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He looked good as always, and unlike other days, he walked in with a smile on his face. Well, that was until he made eye contact with me. I quickly looked away and continued pretend typing on my macbook. I could see his jaw tighten as he looked away and began professing to the class. Dr. Rhodes let us out 20 minutes early today, telling us to work on our research question and send it to him tonight if we didn't already. Making my way down the lecture hall steps, I notice out of the corner of my eye that Dr. Rhodes is talking to our TA, Laila. They seem to be in deep conversation so i just put my head down and head toward the door. Before I could make it out I hear, "Ms. Chase, may I speak with you?" Man fuckkkk no. thats what i was thinking anyway, instead I just turned toward him and laila and gave them a soft smile. When Laila left, it was only me and Dr. Rhodes in the lecture hall. "and then there were two" I say in a joking manner, trying to break this awkward ass silence. He doesn't even look my way, and continues cleaning the chalkboard. I took a seat in one of the desks because something told me I was going to be here for a while, and my bag was heavy as fuck. When he finally turns to look at me, he says "why haven't you been in my class, Karina?" he asked lowly. Bitttttchhhh. it was lie the cat got my tongue. He was just so sexy, I couldn't even formulate an answer. 

"Karina, did you hear me?"  he asks

"I was sick" I say quietly. I wasn't fucking sick. I was embarrassed but yeah same shit. He let out a slow chuckle and then looked up at me and smiled. 

"I checked your attendance in your other classes Ms. Chase, and it seems you've been attending all of them but mine" He said. 

okay, so now the cat ACTUALLY got my tongue. fuck. "ye-- yeah well after the night ended I just didn't really know what to say to you" I defended myself. 

"Do you know Ms. Chase? how the night ended that is? like do you remember?" Dr. Rhodes asked. I shook my head no. 

"How about this. Can you meet me beans and leaves uptown at 4? i'll try to refresh your memory" he said 

wtf? "why cant you just tell me now?" I contested, standing up. Dr. Rhodes looks at me and then takes a step toward me, leaving almost no space between us. He didn't say anything at first, just listened to the sound of my shallow breathing. Finally, he whispers in my ear "because you have class in 15 minutes, go on" he backs up and starts laughing. I gather my shit as fast as i can and run out of the lecture hall to my next class across campus. I guess Im meeting him at 4.

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