Karina | Dinner with a twist?

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After class, I anxiously made my way to beans and leaves. I got there a little earlier, so I could start on my homework for class. An hour after Dr. Rhodes was supposed to meet me, he had still not gotten there yet. I had shit to do so i decided to leave. After packing up, I sent Ari a quick text to see if she wanted to link tonight. She quickly let me know that her and sammy were going to a movie tonight, so I was on my own. When I made it home, I immediately stripped down and washed the day off, still pissed that Dr. Rhodes stood me up. After finishing up my second glass of wine, I received a text from Brian saying 'yo wyd?'. What the fuck? I haven't talked to him since he cheated at fall probate. Considering I had a few in me, I decided to see what he wanted. Instead of texting him back, I decided to facetime him instead. It rang one time before it connected.

'Damn couldn't wait for the phone to ring, huh?!" I told him as he laughed.

'Na, I couldn't keep my wife waiting' he said. Yeah okay bitch I thought rolling my eyes.

' sit the fuck down somewhere' I said laughing. Him and I were best friends before we ever started dating, which is part of the reason why I put up with his ass.

' yo I know you home alone looking like a sad puppy and shit cus Ari out with my bro, but how bout I take you to Stormy's to get some food and talk?" he said.

He knew Stormy's was my favorite. I really ain't feel like getting up and getting dressed, but I was hungry and at least I could get a free meal out of his ass.

'Yeah I guess, lets meet at 8' I said.

'Copy, dress sexy too —' he was about to say something else but I ended the call, he talk to damn much. I got up and started getting dressed.


When I pulled up at the restaurant, I decided to valet my car. It was muggy out and I did not want to ruin my hair. I decided to keep my makeup light, with my hair straightening in a middle part. I wore a white rugged mini dress and nude heels. I looked good as hell. When I got there, I noticed that Brian wasn't here yet, so I got us a table for two. Before sitting down, I went to the bathroom and touch up my hair and lip gloss. On my way, I bumped in to Laila, my TA from class. She looked a little surprised to see me, but we just greeted each other with a soft smile. Laila was a few years older than me, and last year she came to a lot of rush events even though she never ended up getting a bid.

When I returned to the table, I sat down and took out my phone. I heard Laila's voice again which made me look up. Two booths in front me sat her with her back to me, and Dr. Rhodes. I immediately put my head down hoping he didn't see me. Why is it that I keep running into him. I sunk down in my seat relieved that he didn't see me. I couldn't believe he stood me up, but could make it to dinner with this bitch. Poor thing, he looked so unengaged. A few seconds later, Brian came sauntering in, late as always. Before making it to my table, he walked past Dr. Rhodes' table and they had a small conversation. As they were talking, Brian pointed at me and Dr. Rhodes looked intensely. I did a small smile and a wave. I hated Brian sometimes. He never knew when to shut the fuck up. As Brian made his way over to the table, I stood up to give him a hug. He leaned in and kissed me unexpectedly, causing me to pull away. As a sat down, I noticed Dr. Rhodes never took his eyes off of me. I looked down at the menu annoyed, hoping this night went by fast.

Authors Note:

Thank you to my loyal readers for hanging in there with me! I began law school a couple of months ago and its murking me. Don't worry though, I got more updates on the way! 

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