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It's been over 2 weeks since I started working with Dr. Rhodes, I mean Trey. We meet up every other day and sometimes we don't even do work. So far I learned that he wasn't married, graduated when he was only 20, his favorite food is anything Italian, and his dad is one of the board members of the school. Today it just so happened to be our final session together. Ari texted me and asked could she borrow my car to go run some errands. I thought it would be cool because I could just walk to campus. Today I was wearing a pair of ripped jeans, a cropped husband beater, and a cardigan. I wore my hair up in a bun, but I should have probably left it down because it was a little chilly out. I walked in the study room and I noticed Dr. Rhodes was reading something on his computer. His back was turned toward the door, and I tried to be as quiet as possible. One thing I noticed about Trey was he was always aware of his surroundings, so on occasion, I tried to scare him, which almost never worked. I quietly closed the door and tip toed over to where he was sitting. I quickly grabbed his shoulders and yelled and he threw me onto the table keeping one hand on my chest. He looked at me intensely, before letting me go.

"I gotcha" I said, laughing uncontrollably. Maybe he didn't think it was that funny, but I was laughing my ass off.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you its not nice to sneak up on people" he said.

"Maybe you should keep your guard up next time, you never know what could happen" I said.

"Maybe I wanted to let it down for you" he said lowly. I pretended not to hear his comment. He does this to me all the time, says shit barely above a whisper and expects me to ask him to repeat it when I know he won't. Ignoring him, I took a seat across from him and grabbed my things out of my backpack. There was an awkward silence between us. I decided to break it.

"So... are you going to the Gala on friday?" I asked. Every year, after cross the Greeks get together and throw a Gala. It was black tie and always very nice.

"Ehh... I don't know. I think I'm too old to engage in that kid shit" he said looking up at me.

"Kid shit? You're only 26" I laughed.

"Yeah yeah... i'm guessing you're going Ms. VP" he added.

"Oh of course! There would be no Gala without Ms. Karina Chase" I say.

"Well, does Ms. Karina Chase have a date yet" he asks. Damn I don't want to look too thirsty, but if he's gonna ask me hell yeah.
"Well... there've been so many guys to sort through I just couldn't choose" I say with a smile, silently kicking myself under the table. Why would I say that dumb shit? Trey looks at me and smiles while raising his eyebrows.

"Well then Karina, I'm sure you'll make the right choice. Now let's get to work" Trey says. I silently roll my eyes. Can it be friday already?


After the session, I'm so ready to leave the library. Before getting to the door however, I notice that it started raining while I was in my session. "Why didn't your dumb ass check the weather" I thought to myself. I sent Arianna a text to see if she could pick me up, so that I didn't have to walk home in the rain. Because I was looking down at my phone, I didn't notice the black beemer that had pulled into the fire lane and stopped right in front of the doors. The Car beeps, and I look up. As the car rolls its windows down, I see its Trey.

"Get in" he tells me.
"I'm actually just waiting for Ari to come and grab me, thank you for offering though" I tell him.

"I wasn't offering, get in" He said sternly. Well okay daddy. 

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