Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 1

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The bell went, signalling the end of the day at last. I packed my books away eagerly to catch Leandra at the end of her last lesson, she said she'd allow me briefly call Alexander, it had been three whole months since I started boarding school, consequently, three whole months I hadn't spoken to him.

"Arianne!" A pair of feet appeared in my line of my vision while I was bent down sorting out my bag. The voice was female, recognisable, but in my state of rush, it wasn't distinguishable. I glanced up to lock eyes with April, one of the girls I shared my room with, someone I had become good friends with. "Do you wanna hang out? I don't have homework tonight."

I slung my bag over my shoulder. "I can't, sorry. I have to catch, Lean- Miss Underwood. I need to ask her for a favour."

The bright expression on April's face faltered ever so slightly and she shifted her balance from her right foot to her left foot. "That's fine. Find me afterwards instead, I'll invite some people to our room." She flashed a grin before I could even answer. She left promptly, and I did too, making a beeline for Leandra's final class.

The door to her class was slightly ajar and from where I was stood, Leandra was in clear vision, leaning on her front desk, back facing me. I didn't enter because she was on the phone, it'd be rude to just interrupt, and then really awkward to stand in the room while she had a conversation with someone else.

Instead, I focused my attention on how empty the halls were after school, it was almost ghost town like.

"Wait so Alex is where exactly? Is he alright?" I heard Leandra almost yell.

I literally felt my ears perk up at the mention of Alexander's name, and the worry in her voice. Now I made sure to hide and listen more intently to the conversation Leandra was having, rather than just staring aimlessly down the hallways. It was obvious something bad had happened to Alexander back in Nox Aterrima from the tone in her voice.

"God, so exactly how did this happen? Where were you and Jayden? Isn't it your job to stay beside Alexander?" A few curses came from within the room every now and again. "...yeah. No. I won't say anything to her for now, she's doing so well here, I don't want her to worry." ... "OK, bye. Don't forget to update me. Bye."

A clatter came from the room and a large sigh. I waited a bit before entering the room, it'd be a little too coincidental if I entered the room right after the conversation ended, and it would be obvious I had eavesdropped.

Leandra smiled over at me and told me to shut the door to behind me. She put on a good smile, regarding whatever bad news she'd just heard about Alexander. If I hadn't listened in to her conversation, with who I assumed to be Leyton, I would never have guessed something bad was up.

I leant on one of the desks at the front of the class and placed my satchel beside me.

"Have a good day?" She asked while packing her stuff away from her desk.

"Yeah, you?"

"The usual." She responded halfheartedly. This would be the part where I'd notice something was wrong if I hadn't already eavesdropped.

"I see." I paused slightly, pondering on whether to ask if she was OK, ask straight about Alexander or to just ask if I could call Alexander. "Are you alright? You seem a bit... Bothered."

"No, no I'm fine." She released her hair from the tight bun it was currently in. "You wanted to call Alex, right?"

I nodded, leaning up from the desk and standing myself in front it.

"Then it'll have to wait just about a week, uh, The Prince is busy these days trying to prevent Austin doing any more damage to Nox Aterrima. You understand?"

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