Episode 1 - Beauty Patch Up

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[Small A/n: This chapter isn't edit so be warned of any mistakes xD]

"O-oh you're welcome! But I didn't do much honestly," Epel looked off to the side, his eyelids lowering, "It was your friends that did the bulk of the work. They were strong... stronger than me no doubt."

Even though his voice trailed off in the end, I couldn't help but hear.

My eyes lingered on his disgruntled face. With hesitance, I asked, "Y-you good there?"

"Mhm? Yeah... yeah, I am."

Epel and I did not cross each other's eyesight. Even though I had my sights on him, he stared at the floor.

"It's okay if you got somethi-"

"Seriously (y/n), we should focus on you right now... Please."

Epel fully looked away from me. His shoulders were bunched up and tense, he was folding his arms too. Clearly, he didn't want to talk about whatever had crossed his mind.

"Oh... okay."


We waited in silence - whether that silence was comfortable or not I wasn't quite sure.

I did however feel bad; I believed that I made the silence come back and I made Epel shut himself. Whenever I caught a glance at the lilac-headed boy he was either scrolling through his phone or just quietly thinking to himself.

No amount of fake confidence could have brought me to think of any topics and so we just diligently waited.


"Where are you, Monsieur Cherry Apple~?"

Both Epel and I perked up after hearing an eccentric voice calling out to my friend.

"Is that your...?"

"Yup, you could tell by his pompous voice," Epel deadpanned, a clear annoyed expression laid on his face. I sort of chuckled at his quick change in demeanor. He seemed to be back to his usual self, and that made me feel more open.

He soon laughed along with me, "Well, at least he can be entertaining."

He then lightly pushed the back of my shoulders, "We should go meet him outside. Don't worry, I'll handle yer fire cat... that is... He doesn't spit flames when he wakes, no?"

His face had genuine concern and I giggled a bit more, "He doesn't! But if he does, do be ready~"

"Ready!? What does ready in this context mean!?"

"It's different for different people," I winked at him, "I'm sure you can handle it!" I went out ahead of the two, hearing Epel continue his confused shouting before I heard the familiar shriek of the furball.

I stood outside by the hallway, waiting on the two.

"Nyeh!? Where's (y/n), what do you do!?"

"She's outside-"

"She? W-what!? How did you know!? Ohohoho, you're one of those creeps! Come at me perv, tell me what you did to her!"

"Perv!? Would ya shut yer trap!? I didn't do shite! She's waitin' outside. Just follow me-"

"As if!"

I heard an ugly hiss from Grim. And then a couple of grunts and restrained shrieks were leaving from the bathroom. I didn't check what happened, but I can guess quickly on what had just transpired. Either way, hearing that interaction was pretty entertaining~!

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