Prologue [ 19 -20 ] + Divius' Fashion Wonders

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[A/n: These are the designs I imagined for MC, ofc the hair and glasses are all up to you reader-chan. I just put it there for reference! Anyway, another long read for this chapter, and I hope you enjoy it!]


“Eh!? You really went to Dwarfs' Mine to find a magic crystal?”

“HUH!?” Ace, Deuce, Grim, and I stood in the principal’s office after risking life and limb for a magic crystal. Crowley’s astonished expression and overall surprising demeanor made it all clear to us what he was thinking. ‘I swear Crowley-’

“I really didn't think… You'd not only go but then come back with a crystal in hand. I quietly completed the paperwork for your expulsion.”


We all caused an uproar and jumped at the Dean’s remark, ‘WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-’. We all shoved our faces into Crowley’s personal bubble, not giving a damn if we had burst it.  

“Nnga! The nerve of this guy! While we were off fighting some crazy beast!” Grim ranted as he jumped onto the desk.


“There was a monster there!” Ace inserted. He brought his hands up, disturbingly wiggling them with a disgusted look on his face, “It was super gross and crazy strong, it was awful!”

Crowley seemed to let go of his carefree attitude for a bit, and eyed us more seriously, “Could you explain in more detail?”

The gang and I proceeded to ramble on with the events earlier that night. Sometimes we’d even do dramatization rather comically; with Grim posing as the monster. Ace would swish his wand up and down, initiating his magical moves. Deuce joined in with pretending to conjure some cauldrons. I have to admit I also contributed some scenes. I mimicked my epic moment of punching the monster mid-air; I softly punched Grim in his head and he was ‘flown to the wall’ with Deuce acting as his support.

I have to admit, it was a weak recreation of the events, and sometimes we would stop each other because we remembered some moments differently (mostly it was Grim who remembered it differently, painting himself in a more badass light).

During this whole performance, I was wondering if I should bring up Snow, but I feel like I should ask the Dean privately on the matter.

“Hoh hoohh. A mysterious monster living in the coal mine. The four of you worked together to defeat it and bring back a magic crystal?”

Ace shuffled his feet, “We didn't really work together…”

Deuce folded his arms and turned his gaze away, “It was more like our goals were aligned…”

“Ooh... Oooooooh... OOOOOOHHHHH!!!! OOOOOHHHHH sob sob sob!!!” The raven-clad headmaster started to ball his eyes out, shocking all of us. Grim commented something we were all thinking, “What's with this guy? Why is an adult bursting into tears!?”

“In all these years that I've been headmaster… For the day to come that students from Night Raven College go hand in hand to face and defeat their enemy!” The air around Crowley seemed to brighten with a pink glow and white flowers, causing utter confusion and disgust among us.

Deuce squeaked, “What!? I did not hold this guy's hand!”

Ace chimed in, “I would never do that, gross! But headmaster, how old are you!?”

Crowley ignored the boys and continued on his monologue, “I am overwhelmed with emotion. This incident confirms it. (y/n)-kun. Without a doubt, you have talent as a beast tamer!” He stood from his desk and was leaning towards me with a weird happy expression.

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