Episode 1 [ 5 - 6 ] + Lunch Friends 2.0

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First Period "Potions"

The gang and I finally made it to our destination without a minute to spare, causing those in class already to stare at us.

Luckily, it seemed the teacher for the class hadn't arrived, so we took this time to prepare for the lesson.

During the whole time, I could feel the intense stares boring into my back. Soon, a few whispers were going around.

I didn't hear much of what was being thrown around, but my thought got me to think the worst. I felt incredibly uncomfortable but I kept it in for the time being.

Only a minute passed by and footsteps were heard just outside the laboratory. The door opened and came in Divius Crewel looking flawless as ever.

"So you all are the fresh faces in my homeroom," he scanned the class until his sights landed on me. He shared a soft but quick glance with me. I returned a smile before he went over to his desk.

"Hmmm, there are some rare hair colors in the bunch. Not bad. Make sure to take proper care of it daily," all so suddenly, a loud crack was heard across the whole lab, "My name is Divus Crewel. You may feel free to call me Master Crewel. Take your seats. Class will begin. ...First for the basics."

Divius wore a strict and sinister face, contrasting to his more laid back and calm demeanor the night prior. It no doubts spooked me.

"I will beat the names and appearances of 100 types of medicine and poison into your little brains. We'll cover fungi later. Now memorize these so you don't go around getting poisoned by random things you eat off the ground. Dogs will eat whatever is lying around. Your training will be strict and I better not see any red marks on your tests."

Divius rambled on, completely uninterrupted by anyone or anything. His level of authority was on a level I did not expect.

I had straightened my back, listening intently to the teacher like a good student that I somehow remembered I was. If anything from my past settled in my mind, I was a bit of a teacher's pet.

The teacher's pet persona didn't seem to reflect onto my friends: Deuce was too fixated on something that was mentioned earlier in the lecture, Ace was leaning into his hand and was complaining, and Grim was more or less disinterested.

"I see. ...By the way, what's a 'fungi'?"

"Blegh. I'm no good at memorization."

"All that matters for grass is whether or not it tastes good."

Second Period "History"

"I'm Trein and I'm in charge of your history lessons. This is my familiar, Lucius."

The next class had begun. The teacher for this subject, Mr.Trein, went to introduce the subject further.

"You will learn about the history of magic that has brought prosperity to the world. Participation in class will affect your grade, not just reports. I will not forgive sleeping in class."

As soon as the teacher mentioned that, there were already about a quarter of the class close to snoozing off. Luckily none were outright sleeping.

Mr. Trein continued on, "Open your textbooks to page 15. We will start with the discovery of magic crystals in the Dwarfs' Mines... Magical energy spread throughout the world during the century after this discovery, we call it the "Beginning of Magic"."

"Yaaaawn..." Ace, who sat beside me, leaned back into his seat. He looked bored as he did the previous subject.

"Wooaaah~ At Dwarfs' Mine... Woaaahh~ Magical energy..." "Damn, I never knew magic could be this intensive..." "I know right!"

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