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~Anabelle's P.O.V.~

"Now wait just a minuite!Where do you think your going especially without me!"Reagan hollers out.

"Well the boys wanted to take me out for a reward because I returned Nathan's phone.Whats wrong with that?"I asked.

"You know it's been my dream to meet them so this is what I have for you!"Regan yelled at me.She looked insane!

As soon as I knew it BAM!Reagan had punched me the face and I was lying on the driveway ....UNCONSCIOUS!

"That's what you get for not inviting me to go with you with the boys!"Regan gave a crazy look at the boys.

"Oh NO!What...What have you done to her...YOU can't do that!Come on guys we've got to leave NOW!"Nathan says.

~Elizabeth's P.O.V.~

I open my bedroom door,ALL the lights are out!"Anabelle are you there...what's going on...HELP!!Is anyone there?Whats going on!?"I realize that something very wrong was happening and it was probably all for me!

As I travel through the house I return to my room where I find a note,that gently lay on my comforter of my bed."All I remember is falling hard on the floor!

"Right you are Elizabeth!You did fall and now your gonna fall again!"Reagan shouted!

Within a slit second I was knocked off my feet with a siring pain running through my whole body"AHHHHH this hurts!Oh NO my leg! It's broken!AHHHH!"I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"You just can't stop talking can you Elizabeth!Maybe this will help you shut up!"Reagan yelled at me again slapping me in the cheek.

_____Whats going on!____________________________________________________________________________

At this point Elizabeth doesn't know what just happened and she is puzzled at what she's going to do to get away from Reagan!

What's happening?!?I can't see,My arms and legs are tied up,there's blood I think draining from my mouth,what have I got into!

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