CH.13:Say Goodbye

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CH.13:Say Goodbye

"Elizabeth don't worry we WILL find you!"I said to myself.

My dreams have been coming out differently than I thought.It's in some ways BETTER and some ways WORSE!All I wanted was to meet The Wanted and possibly become close with them!Thats not coming out the way I had planed!

Well I guess I will have to deal with it since it's not gonna fix itself.

I often wonder to myself "is this real?ami dreaming,could this possibly had happened?"Answers don't seem to rise to the surface like I'd hopped.It just doesn't seem fare at all!You know when something doesn't go right the way you want it to just get irritated I know I am not the only one thinking this.It has to be all the guys,Elizabeth,and I hate to say it but maybe for Reagan to!I...I hate the way things turned out it doesn't make any sense at all!

The first time I heard The Wanted I just fell in love with them!It can't turn out this way.Seperated.Confused.Abandoned.

I wish thins would've turned out my way.Peaceful.Amazing.Like a dream come true!

I hope that we will find Elizabeth unharmed and safe NOT injured and scared for life from the events that have taken place.She's probably thinking the same thing right now!

You always have to remember that life doesn't last forever and that you need to make the best of it.Life I like a blink of an eye and it doesn't last for long!

Ok I don't really know why I am telling about all of this I guess it's because my best friend who I like my sister has been sabatoged,my dreams went all wrong in some ways and great in another,and the fact that I have to accept losing what I had because of some people destroying my life!I guess it's just simply put with me saying "GOODBYE."


I guess actually admitting it is harder than I thought!That means coming right out to say is even harder

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