CH.14:Getting Back

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CH.14:Getting Back

Well I am a little sorry for my complaining in the last chapter it's just that I needed to get it out.

Now we were on our way to get Elizabeth back from the grasps of Reagan's hands.

~Elizabeth's P.O.V.~

I was sitting in my chair still blind folded,hands and feet still tied together.It seemed like I had not been making any progress and I was just sitting their in excruciating pain.I heard loud noises and I decide that I should try and move the chair.

"What's going on in there?"Reagan shouted.

"Oh nothing!I was just trying to scratch my foot,that's all."I shouted back.

"Ok keep it down in there unless you want a surprise that you will never forget."Reagan scowled at me.

"Ok if I am going to get out of here I need to keep it down now that the warden is near by."I thought to myself.

I heard a loud bang coming from inside the living room.With that I tried to move the chair once again.It tipped over landing on my broken leg,leaving a large amount of pain to follow it out.I yelped I pain trying to get the weight off my leg.

"Did you hear that?"I exclaimed.

"Yeah,it sounded like it came from the back room!"Tom shouted vigerously.

Well I guess I won't get my rescue from this retched chair that has brought me nothing put pain and irritation!Maybe that was Ababelle coming to my rescue?!"Anabelle are you there?"I yelled.But no-one answered my faint,and weak cry for help.

I heard more crashing and banging going on in the living room and then a voiced ran through the air.

"You won't find her!"

It sounded like Reagan arguing and yelling at someone.

"Oh YES I WILL!You can't stop me now I have you right where I want you!"


Maybe they thought I had took to long or they just couldn't wait any longer for me!"


"Don't worry Elizabeth I am coming!The guys are here to help too!YOU WILL BE OK!"

All these things that I hadn't thought if before had popped into my head.I knew instantly that Anabelle would never leave be behind!No matter what the case!She WAS MY SISTER!

"Ok Reagan where is she?!"Tom took over holding down Reagan while I broke her into telling me where Elizabeth was.She finally broke and lead the boys and I to where Elizabeth was!

"Anabelle you came back for me even when I said not to!"

"You CAN'T leave a friend well a sister behind!"I gave a smile and untied all the ropes.I knew by the looks of her she was badly hurt and we needed to get her to the hospital A.S.A.P.!

"Anabelle you get Elizabeth out of here!The boys and I will take care if Reagan.We will meet you at the hospital with plain tickets to London.You guys should come stay with us fir safety and protection."Nathan said smoothly leaning in to kiss me and send me off to the hospital.

"We will catch up to you later.Take care of her Anabelle.I kno--I mean WE know you can!"Tom said hugging me giving me confidence to take Carr if my chores...well duties to get Elizabeth to safety!

"Meet you guys at the hospital

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