Come hang with us

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I was surprised to see that Gerard asked me to be friends with him and his friend group. Our lunch break had ended so we parted ways me leaving with Frank as we had the same math class. We wouldn't be separated for long thought, after math we all coincidentally had P.E together.

"Ughhh I hate math, it's so boring and useless. I'm always lost, I never know what's going on in that class." Frank complained.

"Me either buddy." I said patting him on the shoulder.

After a class period of Frank just being...well Frank. It was time to meet up with the other boys.


"No yeah I think we should totally ask her if she'd like to hang out with us after school." I said to the boys. They seem to really like the sound of that.

"But who's going to ask her?" Asked Ray.

"Definitely Gerard, he's the one with the idea." Mikey said pointing at me.

"Yeah I agree" Frank said.

"Alright, alright I'll just have to wait for the perfect timing." I said.

We soon saw Y/N coming our way in her P.E uniform. The boys gave me a look and tried acting naturally. I was feeling nervous, WHY! Why was I getting nervous? It happens every time. Every. Single. Time I have to talk to her I get nervous.

Anywho, the boys, Y/N and I all sat on the bleachers while others played basketball inside the gym. We laughed and talked for the majority of the period until a few seconds of silence fell. NOW! Now was the perfect time to ask her.

I tapped her shoulder, she turned to look at me. The boys realized what I was about to do so they all paid close attention.

"So ugh I was wondering if you perhaps wanted to come hang out with us after school." I asked.

"Oh yeah for sure but I'll have to let my mom know first. She'll be at work but just incase she gets home first she won't freak out you know." She explained.

Honestly I didn't really care, all I cared about was her saying 'yes'.

"Oh no yeah you do what you gotta do." I replied.

Our P.E instructor blew his whistle letting us know to go change and head to our next class. I tried changing as fast as possible so that I could wait outside for Y/N. I saw her come out and I greeted her with a smile.

"How did you change so fast!?" She asked surprised.

"I got my ways sugar, now let's get going shall we?" I held my elbow out pointed at her so that she could put her arm around mine.

We headed to our art class, as we were walking I could tell she was a blushing mess. It was funny so I let out a small smirk.

"What's so funny!?" She asked laughing.

"Oh nothing." I said trying not to embarrass her.

"No seriously! Tell meeeee, I want to laugh too." She said looking up at me.

"Fineee if you insist. I was laughing at the fact that on our whole way to class you were and still are bright red." I said ggiggling.

She looked down and tried holding in a laugh. It didn't work though, she began giggling as well.

" I am not."

"Yes you are look at you, you look like you just ran a marathon." I laughed

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