Thanks For Being Here

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"We can talk about it if you want, maybe it'll make you feel better to tell someone." I said holding his hand.

He looked at me but stayed silent, his jet black hair fell forward covering his face. I lifted his chin up and tucked his hair behind his ear just then I was able to see his bright green eyes covered with tears, I was sure that with one blink they would start to roll down his face. I quickly took him in for a hug.

"It's okay Gee, it's okay..."

He was clearly not okay but I didn't know how to better the situation. The only thing I could do was to continue holding on tight to him and make him feel safe.

"Im sorry you have to see me this way-" he said letting go of my hug and wiping his tears off.

"You don't have to apologize, please Gee if there's anything I can do to help you please tell me." A wave of silence filled the room once more.

"It's my grandma... I had a nightmare where she left me and never came back..." he sadly let out.

Gerard went on to tell me all about his nightmare and how much he regretted not spending more time with his grandma. It took everything in me to not shed a tear, I wanted to be strong for him when he needed me the most.

"I-I loved her, I loved her so much, I still do." His tears began to flow down his cheeks.

"It's okay Gee, I'm here with you and I want you to know that I love you. I'm never going to leave you, I'll always be by your side." I said putting a small smile on my face.

I don't know exactly what it was that I said but it caught his attention, he looked at me and smiled.

"You promise? You promise to never leave me?" He asked as a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes Gee, I promise." I said reassuring him.

I hugged him again and this time he was a lot more calm. Our hug lasted a while, I didn't want to let go and I could tell that neither did he.

"Y/N.." he spoke up.

"Yeah?" I asked as we both pulled away from each other.

I looked at him waiting for a response but he didn't say anything he just started at me. He took his hands and placed them on my face, he brought my face closer to his. By now we were staring into each other's eyes. I slowly placed a soft kiss of his lips, I was afraid I had done a wrong move. What if he didn't want to kiss me? To my surprise he kissed me right back. The kiss too was small but I could feel that he ment it.

"Thank you...thank you for being here for me." He said.

"Anytime, I love you so very much Gee with all of my heart." I said which planted a soft innocent smile on his face. It made me so happy that he wasn't as sad anymore.

"I love you too, thank you for making me feel better." He added.

"You must be hungry, do you want to go downstairs with me? I can make you something to eat." I suggested.

"Mhm I'll go wash my face real quick, I'll meet you downstairs." He said getting up.

"Okay, I'll go get something started." I replied.

I made my way to the kitchen thinking of what to make Gerard. The boys then stepped inside, they were back.

"Oh hey guys!" I said waving at them.

"Where's Gerard? How is he" Asked Mikey.

"He's doing a lot better than when you guys left, right now he's upstairs he'll be down in a minute." I replied and the boys nodded.

"I'm gonna make him food but I don't know what." I said looking into their fridge.

Just then I spotted some waffles in the freezer.

"Welp waffles it is!" I said taking them out.

"You aren't really going to give him waffles are you?" Frank asked giving me a weird look.

"What's wrong with waffles? And yes I actually am." I said.

"Frank, just because you don't like waffles doesn't mean Geard doesn't like them either. They're in the freezer for a reason." Mikey said defending me and my waffles.

"Well Ray's pancakes are better than waffles." Frank argued.

"I never said waffles are better than Ray's pancakes, just that waffles are the only thing you vampires keep in this house." I sassed back.

"She does have a point." Ray nodded in agreement.

"Thank you Ray." I said.

"I can make him my infamous pancakes so he won't have to eat those waffles that have been here for who know how long." Ray added.

"Please and thank you!"

We all sat down next to the kitchen table while Ray cooked for Gerard. The boys were telling me how they planned to form a band after we finished high school. I had lost track of time, I hadn't realized how close we were to the end of the school year and graduation. I had no idea what I would be doing after I finished high school.

"Mmm is that pancakes I smell!?!" We heard Gerard say as he entered the kitchen.

"Sure thing man, made specially for you!" Ray said as he handed Gerard his plate with pancakes.

"Awww, thanks man!"

A/N: yall I disappeared for a long time *nervous laugh* my apologies I forgot I had this chapter written and I never uploaded it so here ya go. If anyone even remembers me... I didn't die lol. I hope you guys are all doing well♡

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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