Get in loser we're going shopping

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The car was a four seater which ment that there would have to be three people in the back.

"Okay so I'm driving, Y/N is taking the passenger seat. Leaving you three to sit in the back, okay?" Gerard explained pointing at the car.

"But my ass is too thick to fit back there." Frank added pointing at his ass.

"I've seen bigger. Quite complaining Frank and get in." Gerard said sounding slightly annoyed.

"Ughhh fineeee!" Frank groaned.

"Mikey you go in the middle and Frank and I'll sit by the doors." Said Ray.

"Whyyyy?" Mikey asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well because you're skinny, pluse if I go in the middle Frank won't stop complaining and he'll mess up my beautiful fro." Ray said fixing his big fluffy hair.

We all laughed at Ray's comment. The boys finally managed to get inside the car and Gerard drove off to the mall.

"Okay where should we go first?" Ray asked as we walked into the entrance.

"We should let Y/N decide." Gerard glanced at me.

"Hhmmm I don't know... I guess where ever you guys want to go." I said.

"How about Hot Topic?" Asked Frank.

"Mhm that's a good one, let's go there!"I responded.

"Okay then off we go!" Gerard said putting his arm around my shoulder.

Once we saw the Hot Topic sign we all got exided. We went inside and started to look around.

"Oooo I have a very good idea!" Gerard jumped in excitement.

"Well what is it?" We all asked.

"What if we all pick out an outfit for Y/N!" Gerard said smiling.

The boys looked at each other and immediately nodded their heads. I was stunned at the sudden decision.

"What do you think Y/N?" Gerard asked.

"Fine but don't go all crazy on me okay?"

"Okay but you can't see what we choose until the end, sooo you're gonna have to wait outside." He added.

"I'll go wait with Y/N so that she won't be alone." Said Ray.

"Oh Ray you don't have to, I'll just go sit on the bench outside the store." I said.

"No no, really the boys can choose an outfit and I go with you." He insisted.

"Oh okay then." I smiled.

Ray and I left Gerard, Mikey and Frank in the store. We sat on a bench placed infront of the store.

"Do you want to go get some Starbucks? It's right there." Ray asked pointing over to the Starbucks.

"Omg yes let's go!" I said excitedly.

We got in line, order our drinks and received them.

"Mmmm this is so good!" Ray said taking another sip out of his drink.

"Sure is, I hadn't have Starbucks in a while." I added.

"So how do you feel being around us?" He asked randomly.

I looked at him oddly.

"Good? I like being around you guys, at first at was unsure as I have never been in this situation you know but...I like you guys." I smiled.

Hard Love {Gerard Way X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now