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"Uh-huh, I got you" the driver behind an unmarked sedan said as he saw Daniel and Siya heading for the stairs.

"Kruger, he's not alone, how do I proceed?" the driver with a nigerian accent said as soon as the call was picked up on the other end
"Do what you have to do Aubrey, as long as Daniel Zwane is dead" John Kruger replied
"Consider it done then" Aubrey hung up

And as Matty and Andries pulled over they saw somebody going after Daniel and Siya who had just kicked down the door.
"Hey look he's goin' after them, quickly let's get him" Andries said and Matty rolled up his eyes
"Dude we can't just run after the guy, he might be armed with a bazooka for all we know" Matty said and then Andries pulled out his .38 and went out.
"Hey.. rascal!" Matty said as he got out of the car

"Hey!" Andrew said before realizing who it was and then fear took over
"Cosy huh? I should've known you were fucking him" Daniel pointed the gun at Andrew who literally froze
"I don't see how any of this is your business" Elaine managed
"Well it wasn't until you tried to extort money from me" Daniel pointed it out
"Just pull the trigger Daniel we don't have much time" Siya said leaning against the wall
"What do you mean?" Daniel's eyes shot up
"We got company" Siya said

Andries took a shot and the other guy took a hit on his shoulder.
After the shot, Aubrey quickly hid between two parked cars.
"Be on the look out for bodyguards, we think someone's protecting him" Kruger had said
"Dammit! I got carried away!" Aubrey hissed as he took off his Mickey Mouse sock and teared it off to close the gaping wound

"What the hell do you think you doing?" Matty tugged at Andries and they hid behind a car
"Trying to stop the bastard" Andries said bluntly
"And get us killed in process right?" Matty chuckled
"Hey, I'm tryna do what the boss man told us to do" Andries raised both his hands in an apologetic manner
"Pss whatever dude, you think he's down? I mean that was a lame shot you took there" Matty asked with a stupid smile
"Oh! fuck you Matty go check it out yourself" Andries chuckled
"Just kidding hey,let's smoke this guy, you take the left and I'll take right" Matty took the left.

"I'm not trying to extort money from you, Kimberly is really your daughter, or at least I thought it was Siya's but I ruled him out when I found out that I was seven months ahead" Elaine said and Daniel's head just spun
"What? what do you mean "Siya's" ?" Daniel asked trying to process what he had just heard
"Oh so it wasn't one of your little "Challenges", I guess ya'll aren't as close as you pretend to be" Elaine smiled uneasily and Daniel looked at Siya
"Hey, I don't know what she's talking about, can't you see she's trying to get off the mark, lemme finish it if you can't" Siya tried to hustle the gun out of  Daniel's hands
"Hey stop it, I wanna hear what she has to say" Daniel said trying to stop Siya from taking the gun but it went off and Siya slowly went down, aware of  Daniel's situation, Andrew lunged at him.
And equally determined, Daniel let off two shots and Andrew fell down in a pool of blood.
After Andrew went down, Elaine screamed and in a split second Daniel put a bullet in her head and she died instantly.

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