Episode 4: Who's clever now?

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Previously on PLAYAS...
After the infamous Mario Van Oosten was denied bail, he threatened to drop Daniel if he couldn't get him out. And Daniel finally remembered how Melody had crossed him.

"Ahh, I gotta take this babe it's Daniel" Darren smiled childishly and the petite blonde in a wrapped towel next to him shrugged.
"Lord Dan summons!" she mimicked a gracious bow and then threw herself on the bed.
"Don't be like that Trish, I'll be back in a jiff" Darren pretended to be hurt and then exited the well furnished bedroom.
"Daniel what's up?" He picked up
"Hey Darren, I'm good how's it?" Daniel came through
"A bit busy, what's going on?" Darren replied
"Oh with Trish? well I got a plan man but I'm not sure if it's gonna work" Daniel said
"What's the plan?" Darren asked
"Uhh, I wanted us to play detectives and maybe get Melody to confess on tape and then maybe blackmail her, what do you think?" Daniel asked
"You mean trick her into believing that we know that she's fronting for Nkosi-Miller?" Darren asked filled with excitement.
"Yeah but I'm skeptical it will work, I mean taking into consideration how she played me" Daniel said
"Bull, it will work, I know you have it in you" Darren said
"Me? couldn't you maybe dodge Trish for a coupler minutes and tag along?" Daniel asked
"Unfortunately I can't bro, Trish and I are currently in the middle of something, so I might also come in a bit later today, take Siya with you" Darren said
"Alright, Siya is probably busy with something, guess I'll have to ride alone hey, catch you later then" Daniel said

"And then the smile?" Trisha asked as Darren got back
"Well, let's just say I've heard some promising news" Darren smiled
"Oh? you finally getting a promotion?" She asked sarcastically
WHAT IS IT YOU? Darren almost asked.
"Not really, Daniel seems to be making some progress on the Van Oosten case" Darren frowned
"What? don't look at me like that, I just want what's best for you" she replied innocently
"Exactly what I want for myself too" Darren said sourly
"Don't! look Trisha, I gotta get to work" Darren started for the bathroom.
"But you said you were going in later" Trisha pointed it out
"I've changed my mind!" Darren banged the bathroom door.

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