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"Danny! come in buddy" Mario Van Oosten smiled as Daniel appeared
"Van Oosten, what's goin' on here?" Daniel asked wearily
"Relax boykie, have a seat with me, whiskey?" Van Oosten asked and then Daniel shook his head
"No? okay one for me then" Mario Van Oosten poured himself a shot and then went back to his seat.
"Okay here's a thing, I'm sure by now you must've noticed that somebody is after you but as I told you before, I'm going to take care of it" Van Oosten said
"Too little too late, I already did" Daniel got up
"Wait a minute, what do you mean you already did? what the hell did you do boy?" Van Oosten's smile disappeared,he was well aware of Daniel's little visit to the station.
"I killed him" Daniel replied with a straight face
After considering him, Mario knew that he meant it.
"You did what? whoah! you did what Danny boy?" Mario laughed so hard he almost choked on his whiskey.
And Daniel shrugged, he struggled to understand how killing someone could be this funny but then again remembered that Mario Van Oosten was one of a kind.
"I said I killed him, I had to hey, he almost killed me" Daniel lied
He couldn't throw Siya under the bus, he thought it was wise to keep Van Oosten in the dark.
"Wow, you know I never thought you had it in you but clearly I was wrong, here's your money" Van Oosten put in six figures and then teared the check

"This is too much, it's not what I've billed, what's the catch?" Daniel asked suspiciously, a guy like Van Oosten always has a catch.
"No catch, take it as a token of appreciation and a handsome tip for the work you did on that assassin" Van Oosten smiled cheerfully
"Seriously? wow, ok then if you say so" Daniel folded the cheque and then slid it into his purse.
"Yeah, now to the real reason why I called you here, look boy my guys have been checking you out ever since you stepped outta that fancy apartment of yours in the morning and they've noticed two suspicious vehicles following you. So this is how we going to take 'em out.." Van Oosten explained.
"Ok then, now that we've covered everything let me call in Matty" Van Oosten said
"Matty, Matty!" Van Oosten yelled and then Matthew Stones waltzed in
"Boss?" he came through
"I've just briefed Danny here, so you and Andries can drive him home now" Van Oosten ordered
"Very well boss man , come sweetness let's get going" Matty and Daniel went out

°°Clean Kill°°

As Daniel's car approached his garage, an unmarked Toyota Tazz pulled over a coupler inches away and a short guy in a background leather came out.
"Incoming" Daniel said and Matty in the driving seat calmly installed a silencer on his 9mm. And before the leather guy could even get closer, Matty opened the door and dived out.
It all happened too quick, the only thing the intruder saw was lights out as Matty fired three quick shots.

Matty cautiously approached, aware of the blood oozing out of his victim's mouth, he decided to take a close look. As he got closer he realised that the leather guy was still breathing, Matty then fired another shot and this time the bullet went through the poor guy's skull and he died instantly.

"It's clear Daniel, you can come out of the closet now" Matty called out

A coupler seconds later the one called Andries pulled over "Trust you to make a clean job of it" he picked up the slain intruder like a sack of potatoes.
"Psst, boy you know me!" Matty took out some fluids and a brush
"And those?" Daniel asked
"Cleaning materials, take a look at the quality work these babies do" Matty scrubbed the splattered blood off the pavement
"You sick men" Daniel said leaving them behind and before he could enter his garage Matty yelled "We cut from the same cloth Danny, you just don't know it yet" and with that said , the two men drove off

After taking a bath, Daniel decided to place a call and check up on Siya.
"Ey you still up?" Daniel said after the call was picked up on the other end
"Yeah, I just got in, your boy Darren gave me some problems but I managed to get him home in one piece, and you.. how'd it go with Van Oosten?" Siya asked
"He noticed guys following me all day, so he called me in to confuse them and ultimately get rid of them" Daniel said
"And I also assumed he knew about the guy we took care of, so I told him" Daniel added
"Daniel you did what? no man he's going to use it against us, that's it we're finished!" Siya complained
"No he won't, I just witnessed a professional hit carried out by Matty and his pal, so relax hey we even with Van Oosten" Daniel assured
"Probably but I don't trust that guy Daniel, just don't let your guard down" Siya returned
"I won't, look I gotta crash now, I'll catch you tomorrow" Daniel said
"Alright cheers" Siya said and then Daniel hung up

Now that everything seemed to have settled, Daniel made his way to the bedroom and before getting in bed, a text message came in.
"I know what you did last night" the text read.

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