Episode 3 : Rebuild

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... Previously on PLAYAS

After Darren managed to retrieve Van Oosten's crucial cellphone records, Daniel went to court convinced that he had an ace against the prosecution but little did he know that the state was already a step ahead.

"Zwane what the hell!" Mario Van Oosten yelled after he was shoved into a holding cell by a grumpy constable.
Aware of his client's rage and circumstance, Daniel let out a choking sigh and then scratched his head awkwardly.
"Please calm down Van Oosten, I'm going to fix this" Daniel begged
"Don't fuckin' tell me to calm down Danny, I pay you a lot of money, I shouldn't be here if you were a damned good lawyer they say you are,I shouldn't be here dammit!" Mario yelled banging on the barring iron structure besides him.
"You're right you shouldn't be here, that conniving bitch should, look Van Oosten just bear with me for a little while longer and I'll get you outta here" Daniel equalled Van Oosten's rage. As far as this case was concerned, he's reputation and career was also at stake.

"Fuck you talking about? what bitch now?" Van Oosten frowned

"Melody, Hendricks did some digging around and found out that your dear receptionist might be in cahoots with the state and whoever is also involved in this saga" Daniel shrugged
He was on to something and suddenly his face changed automatically when he saw Van Oosten's warry reaction. The name Melody and "whoever is involved" seemed to have melted his face.
"What is it that you're not telling me huh?as your lawyer you need to tell me everything that could hurt us" Daniel eyed him suspiciously
"I've told you everything you need know sonny" Van Oosten drawled and then buried his face under the steel bars. And right there, Daniel knew there was more to it than what he was being told.
"Ok cut the B.S Oosten, what is it that you think I don't need to know?" Daniel pressed
"Hey! hey you're punching above your weight sonny, this is too sensitive and way above your pay grade, the only thing you need to know is that if you don't get me out of here, I'm dropping you!" Mario Van Oosten turned away just in time before Daniel could see his suddenly sweaty face.

"But Oosten.." Daniel tried but was cut off.. "We're done here, do your work Danny!" With that said Van Oosten hurried into the cell.

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