Zendea's P.O.V
Ever since the accident everyone has been, how do I put this nicely, driving me fucken nuts! I mean I can't even go to the bathroom by myself, I always have someone with me and, I can't take any of this anymore.
"Can I get you anything else?" Asks the waitress and I shake my head no, smiling. I am currently at some café in town, by myself. I had to get a break from everyone so I snuck out of the house, called a cab and went into town. After ordering breakfast and a cup of coffee, I take out my phone and start reading a book and that's when it hits me. I know exactly what to design! Ever since I mentioned to Sebastian that I want to work on my own project, something that I can call my own and that has something to do with technology, I haven't really come up with anything but it just hit me now. I quickly call the waitress over to pay for my order then leave the café and head home.
"Where have you been?!" Kylie yells at me the moment I walk through the door and my eyes widen, I have never seen her this mad, especially at me.
"I went out for some fresh air, no big deal." I raise my hands up.
"Yeah to you! I was worried about you, you know you can't just leave and not tell anyone where you're going right." She scolds me.
"Kylie it's fine, so I left to go get some coffee, big deal, you know I think I'm more than capable of taking care of myself. I don't need people treating me as if I am a child." I huff. I can feel myself getting irritated.
"Oh really? Because the last time I checked you are the only person who was stabbed to death by hunters. Came back to life then kidnapped, almost killed and rapped, by an enemy YOU HID from us oh and let's not forget how you were recently also involved in a car accident that almost killed you and your unborn child. And all this happened almost in the same TIME FRAME! But yes, you are more than capable of taking care of yourself right and the rest of us are just being plain old stupid by caring about you."
I exhale, " That was way harsh Kylie." I say as my eyes get teary.
"No what's harsh is you almost dying more than once and brushing it off like it was nothing then expecting the rest of us to do the same, only to be annoyed or feel suffocated by our protectiveness. Maybe we should all just not give two shits like you do. Maybe that will make you happy or feel like you can breathe again." She says grabbing her jacket and heading for the door, slamming it closed. Instead of dwelling on what just happened I head upstate and start writing down my ideas. Feeling my hand cramp it's only then when I see that the sun has already set.
"I am too beat to cook, so Chinese it is." I order the food then head to the kitchen to make myself a snack. "One day when you're big and strong, you will be a king." I sing to my belly while rubbing it. I used to love all the songs from movies like The Lion King, The Little Mermaid and even shows like The Emperor's New Groove. My mom used to sing some of those songs to me, as lullabies, when I was a little girl and when I grew up I knew that I would do the same for my children. I have always known that I want kids, I just never thought I'd have them so young or that I'd be the type of mom who is privileged enough to dress her infant in designer clothes, thinking about how spoiled this little bean is going to be just makes me laugh. "Little bean, that is exactly who you are."
"Who is?" I jump in fright.
"God you almost gave me a heart attack! Why are you sneaking up on me." I say trying to control my speeding heart.
"Sorry kitten, I didn't mean to scare you. How are you though?"
"I'm good thank you and how are you baby." I peck his lips and smile. I love the way he smells. The doorbell rings and I head to the door. "I'll get it." I open it and the delivery guy gives me my order, I tip him and off he goes.
"Yum, Chinese." Bass says, peaking what I got for us.
"Uh huh, I was so busy writing all the ideas I had about the type of product I want to make, sketching it and trying to bring it to life that I got a little carried away and lost track of time, hence the Chinese food." I laugh and he wiggles his eyebrows in excitement.
"You finally got an idea of what you want to do ?"
"Yes!" I say enthusiastically.
"Baby that's great news, do you want to show me?" I nod in agreement and we flee to the bedroom, I nervously try to collect all the pieces of paper lying around everywhere and put them together neatly. Exhaling, I ask him if he's ready and he says yes then I show him the first design.
"Boom!" And he bursts into laughter. "Shut up! Okay so we all know that Apple is the leading brand when it comes to phones, laptops and so forth, and yes the iPhones and Mac books are very successful BUT what if Apple designed a whole new brand with a new name, a new look and even new features?! I give you the iCherry! The future brand for iPhone, it has advanced features, a 2D screen, made completely of glass, so it's transparent, except for the back and instead of having an apple at the back it has a cherryyyyyy!" Finishing my presentation I look at Sebastian expectantly. "So what do you think?" And he burst into laughter, for a second my heart stops, then he runs to me and lifts me into the air, spinning me around.
"Baby, it is pure genius!" He presses his lips on mine and gives me a passionate kiss, I slide my hand to the back of his head and tangle my fingers into his hair, kissing him back.
"I guess you like it." I smile.
"I love it and I can't wait for the rest of the world to love it too. So what is the plan moving forward?"
"Well first, I have to find a good graphic designer and find a really good or really connected agent. The only problem I have with all of this is that it might cost money, a lot of money." I say nervously.
"We have money and it is literally just sitting there waiting to be used, so take as much as you need." He says chuckling. "What's mine is yours my love and what's yours is yours. Zendea I will give you all that I have to help you in any way." That, ladies and gentlemen, if my man. Damn.
"I know and I adore you even more, just for it. I love you so much."
"I love you." About to kiss we both feel something so fucken mind blowing.
"Wou!" We say in sink and look down at my belly. "Was that what I think it was?" He asks shocked.
"There it is again." I say touching my belly and Sebastian does the same, and it happens again. "It kicked! Our little bean is kicking."
"Our little bean." He says it out loud as if testing it out then his lips form a warm smile. "Our little bean." He looks at me, "I love it, you kick like a true Alpha little bean." He says proudly and I clear my throat and raise my eyebrows.
"She could be a girl." I say sternly and he smirks.
"Girls can be Alphas too." I really love this man.
How adorable was this you guys (crying)Hope you guys liked it
- Klyde

Begging For The Alpha's Mercy
Werewolf"You are MINE! And I would like to see anyone who dares to tell me otherwise, even you." He glares down at me. His eyes, they're so dark, so cold and unforgiving. 'I'll never get out of here, I'll never escape him.' I think to myself as tears slide...