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Sebastian's P.O.V

She's been out cold for 4 days now, I brought in my pack doctor to attend to her and he said her vitals are good but she still needs time to heal because her body took a lot of injuries, her wolf can't help her heal because the large amount of wolfsbane put her in a critical condition.

"Sebastian you need to sleep man , this isn't healthy." Jake says patting my shoulder. Him and Kylie got here as soon as possible when they heard about Zendea.

"I will when she's awake, I said I wouldn't leave her side and I won't. She has to wake up man." I say to Jake with regret laced in my voice. Holding Zendea's hand I kiss it gently and lay it on my lap.

"You don't have to leave her , you can lay by her just please .. try." Kylie says showing me a small smile. She places her hand gently on my cheek and caresses it lightly. "You can't keep doing this to yourself, this isn't your fault so stop blaming yourself please. Every time you hurt I hurt because we're a team , you, Jake and I." She says trying not to cry.

"Thank you Kylie, Jake." I say giving her a tight hug.

"Everybody out." I ask and everyone stops whatever they're doing, without any questions asked everyone exits the room leaving me alone with reality , Zendea's unmoving body. I make my way to the other side of the bed and take of my jacket then get under the covers , pulling her body close to mine. I kiss her forehead and close my eyes.

I'm woken up by something , not shaking me but shaking beside me, furrowing my eyebrows I slowly open my eyes and see Zendea's body as it shakes rapidly. I quickly hold her down and yell for Dr King to come. He bursts through the door and when his eyes land on me and Zendea his face is coated with shock and pity , why pity ?

Rushing towards us I move to give him space but stay close enough to keep an eye on him, I don't want him hurting her. He quickly places his briefcase on the bed and takes out a large injection, when he's about to inject her with it I yell stop.

"What the fuck is that?" I ask with an unfriendly tone, he clears his throat and breathes out.

"I don't have much time to explain but all I know is that Zendea shows signs of having silver in her body , I ran tests twice to make sure she didn't and they came back negative but now that her body is reacting the same way yours did when you were shot, it proves that there must be a small amount of silver in her body.

"So you've been letting her die for 4 days!? Doing nothing, just standing by!" I roar grabbing his throat and squeezing it tightly, as he's trying to catch his breath I squeeze tighter then throw him across the room. His body goes through the wall falling limp on the floor. Kylie rushes in and when she sees me she shakes her head.

"He'll live." I say distastefully and turn to Zendea, I grab the injection and stick it into her closest vain but before I inject her with it I look at her. "Come back to me kitten." I say as I push the liquid into her body, taking the injection out I just sit by her side and hold her hand but not too long after her body starts shaking again. I get up quickly and summon Jake , when he gets inside the room he helps me hold her down. As her body is shaking it just stops and before I know it the machine she's connected to makes a endless beep sound.

My eyes widen with shock as the sound doesn't stop. I hold her face tightly, "No, no! Zendea?!" I shout trying to shake her.

"Baby you have to wake up for me ok.." I hover over her body and blow air into her mouth then push on her chest. "Come on open those beautiful brown eyes for me, just a little." I say and do this over and over and over again but she doesn't wake up.

"Sebastian.. you're crushing her ribcage." Jake whispers as he tears up but I don't stop, I can't stop , she needs to wake up. Minutes go by.

As people walk in , shocked by the sight in front of them I get off of her and kneel next to her. "Kitten .." I say placing my hand on her face and gently brushing it with my thumb.

".. you you need to wake up. You need to wake up so you can forgive me, you haven't forgiven me remember. Ok I need you to wake up so I can see that breath taking smile you give me every time I look at you. Zendea .. I'm b-begging you please wake up." I plead to her, while looking at her I feel this ache in my chest as reality hits me. "She's gone." I whisper. When Kylie tries to hold my shoulder I roughly remove her hand and stand up. The Moon Goddess took her from me , the one person who was supposed to make me the happiest I've ever been, the person who was supposed to heal me , the one person I could possibly love or build a family with , that one person is gone now. As I realize all these things I feel my heart ache , not because of my loss but because of how it's turning to stone as hatred and bitterness consumes it.

The more I stand here , looking at her , the more my heart is consumed by bitterness, anger and hatred. The world has never been for me, I have had to swallow pain and misery for far too long and I am sick of it, I'm done. Turning around I don't even look at anyone I just walk out the door , head downstairs , get in my car and drive.

Driving all I think about is how I have never felt this empty before.
I know I know I cried too 💔😩

Please don't forget to vote and comment, love you babies 😊.

- Klyde ❤️

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