Sebastian's P.O.V
"I don't care what it takes , find out everything about this Kyle fucker and who he's been working with! I want to know everything there is to know about him, down to his shoe size." I roar as everyone scrambled out of my sight. Thinking of other ways I could find Zendea I can't help but fume. I was angry, not just because she had been taken but I was angry at her as well.
"Won't do you any good getting angry now." My mother's worried voice interrupts my thoughts. Turning to her she embraces me and I let go in her loving arms, worry creeps its way into my mind and so does fear. I don't want to lose her.
"Mom.." I breathe out.
"Shh Shh Shh , don't even say it." She lifts my head up with her index finger then places her palm on my cheek , looking into my eyes. "If there's anyone that's going to find her it's you. Do whatever it takes do you hear me?"
That's my mother for you, she always knows when to be what you need , whenever you need it. With determination in my eyes I give her a brief nod and turn , making my way to the front door.
"Where are you going?" Jake asks with worry.
"I'm going hunting." I say bursting through the door and shifting. Running past the gate I head into the forest.
Tell me you're fucken joking. Are you really going to her." Jax snarls at me.
"Whatever it takes ! Now pull yourself together before we get there." I order.
"Don't insult me." He scoffs. I hate to side with Jax on this one but just the thought of seeing her makes me a little .. worried. Nearing our destination I feel a sting along my jawline and growl. Someone dares lay their hands on my mate ! They are going to pay. Stepping on the White Mountain Packs land I quickly spot a wolf making its way towards me and I growl demanding his submission, when I realize who it is I ready myself for a fight.
"You dare step foot on our land ?!" He barks.
"That's Alpha to you!" He interrupts. I don't have time for this. Lunging at him I attack at full speed , this has to be quick and clean. Our bodies collide as I aim for his neck and his paw makes impact but that gives me an opening for the kill and I take it without hesitation. Sinking my canines into his neck he howls under my weight. Adding a little more pressure I hear him begin to whimper, about to end it all I hear her faint voice calling out to me. At first I thought I was imagining it but then I heard it again.
"Sebastian!" I hear her yell as she approaches me, letting go of her brother his body falls limp next to me, recovering from my assault. Looking into each other's eyes it's as if time passes and after a while Justin gets up , standing by his sister.
"You need to leave." He orders.
"You better remember who you're talking to, I do not take orders from false Alphas." I growl.
"Enough! Both of you. Justin control yourself, Sebastian what are you doing here?" Looking at her I can tell that just by me being here is opening up old wounds.
"I need your help. My mate has been taken and—"
"Your m-mate?" She interrupts. Her words laced with remorse and heartache. "I'm sorry but I can't h—"
"Miley.. please." I make my way to her, looking into her grey eyes. After a while she agrees against her brothers' protests and we head inside, shifting back I put on my clothes and head to the discussion room to find her waiting for me. She hasn't changed one bit , she is still as beautiful as the day I met her.

Begging For The Alpha's Mercy
Werewolf"You are MINE! And I would like to see anyone who dares to tell me otherwise, even you." He glares down at me. His eyes, they're so dark, so cold and unforgiving. 'I'll never get out of here, I'll never escape him.' I think to myself as tears slide...