Jake's P.O.V
"Jake , Jake." Why is she shaking me? "If you don't get up right now you're going to be late."
"Hey, you need to get up and take a shower."
"I know, ugh my body aches." I groan, this is why I hate sparring with Sebastian, we always get too serious. "Wait, are you already dressed?"
"I almost bumped into Sebastian when I left in the morning, but yeah I've already bathed. Your breakfast is downstairs and don't forget that it's Jason's last day today." Kissing my cheek, she leaves.
"How about dinner tonight?"
"It's a date." Getting up I head to the bathroom, take a shower then get ready.
"Has anyone seen Asahya?"
"You looking for me?" He says from behind me.
"Yes, there's something I want to pick your brain on." Leading him to the discussion room, I close the door. Asahya is our pack's Omega and one of the few people I trust. We all grew up together and even though him and Sebastian don't always get along, they respect each other and he's loyal. "You still have that contact of yours from New York?"
"What is this about?" I have to explain it to him.
"Yesterday I came across Jason in Sebastian's office."
"What?! Doing what?"
"Probably rummaging through our secret files, what else could he be after?"
"Have you discussed this with Sebastian?" I shake my head. "That's why I need you to contact your guy, we can't kill him for no reason but we can tail him, gather evidence and take him out."
"Okay, I'll get right on it."
"Jake." Sebastian calls from behind me before I can enter the kitchen. Turning around, I bow my head to him.
"Alpha ."
"I wanted to tell you that we'll be eating breakfast in my office today but you look troubled. Is everything okay?" I scratch the back of my head.
"How about we speak privately in your office, let me just grab 2 plates from the kitchen." Heading into the kitchen to get the food, we make our way to his office, closing the door.
"Uhm ..?"
"So how'd you sleep?" While making casual conversation I move around the office, searching under his table, behind paintings, between books, basically everywhere.
"What the fuck are you-" I signal him to keep quiet and continue my search till I finally find what I'm looking for, the bugs Jason planted in here. I had a hunch that he'd bug Sebastian's office if he has the guts to break in here. They don't seem to be on and he doesn't at all look surprised.
"I see you found the micro bugs that Jason planted in my office." Sebastian says.
I smile realising he knew, "You knew didn't you?" I chuckle.
"Of course I knew, this is my Pack , this is my house and these are my people. I'd never bring in an enemy before taking every precaution necessary to make sure the pack is safe."
"Of course , I'm guessing you also knew he was in your office last night looking through your files and I'm assuming everything else." I ask and he nods.
"I had a hunch because some of my files looked like they were tempered with but I wasn't sure till now. Did you see him?" Taking out my phone, I show him the picture.
"This was at 03:15 this mornin, I don't know what he was looking for but I can take the picture to the lab to get a closer look. I'll find something." I say putting my phone in my pocket. "I also asked Asahya to contact his guy from New York and tail Jason, that's another way to accumulate proof so when we take him out, we have something to hand to the Elders.
"Okay but, until we have all the information we need no one can know about this besides us. This stays here, let's make him believe he has the upper hand. Agreed?" I nod.
"Agreed." After breakfast I make my way to the lab while Sebastian sends Jason off. I really don't want to see that bastard off but if I leave now I can still make it.
Jason's P.O.V
"Alpha Jacobs." I master the best smile I can, shaking his hand. No hostility this time? Does he finally trust me?
"Alpha Klyde, it was a pleasure" He says before letting go of my hand. As we stand here, staring at each other, his second in command walks up to us, taking his place next to Sebastian. Now him I did not see enough of, are they not on good terms?
"Ahh the second in command, Mr King." Reaching out to him he makes no effort in shaking my hand, I could kill him! To disrespect me in front of his Alpha, and for him not to say anything is distasteful. No matter, your day will soon come.
"Well it was a pleasure, thank you for showing great hospitality and for agreeing for me to familiarize your fighting techniques. I hope we win this war coming our way." Getting into the car and waving goodbye I can't help the smile that creeps up.
"How was your stay sir?" Rick ,my driver asks and I chuckle.
"Everything went according to plan Rick, after the Blue Moon and Moundrin Pack join forces to fight this war with Mason, we're putting an end to the Blue Moon Pack." I say in between laughs. "They won't know what hit em."
Please don't forget to vote and comment babies 😘 love you guys !- Klyde ❤️

Begging For The Alpha's Mercy
Werewolf"You are MINE! And I would like to see anyone who dares to tell me otherwise, even you." He glares down at me. His eyes, they're so dark, so cold and unforgiving. 'I'll never get out of here, I'll never escape him.' I think to myself as tears slide...