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Zendea's P.O.V

I flutter my eyes open then I feel Sebastian's chest against my back , he's still here ? He's usually gone when I wake up. I turn and face him , smiling at his gorgeous face, he even looks sexy asleep. I decide to not get out of bed yet and start drawing small circles on his chest.

"Mm , you know if you keep that up I'll have no choice but to pin you down and eat you up." He teases with his sexy groggy voice, I blush and hide my face.

"I wouldn't mind." I admit. He smirks and pulls in my head to kiss my forehead then gets up to head to the bathroom. I huff and pout, earning a chuckle from him.

"Why won't you touch me?" I semi yell while heading to the bathroom.

"I do touch you baby." He knows what I mean.

"You know what I mean." I voice my thoughts.

"Kitten .." I interrupt.

"Is this because of me , you know, getting hurt. Do you think you'll hurt me or that I'm not fully healed?" He walks to me and rests his palm on my cheek.

"It's not you baby, ok." If it's not me then what is it?

"Do I not arouse you anymore?" I hate to even ask but I want to know.

"Of course you do kitten. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on and the most arousing. I just don't want to push you, your body is not healing at a regular pace because-"

"Because Katani's gone , I know." I say sadly. Coming closer to me he wraps his large arms around me. How can I find so much comfort between these arms?

"I don't think she's gone." He whispers into my ear and my body freezes.

"What did you just say?" He slowly retreats and when his face is in full view I see a small smile on his face.

"I don't think she's gone kitten, I just think she's .. hurt , really badly. That's why you healing is taking some time or why sometimes your wolf hearing is off." He stops to wipe a tear off my cheek. "But she's still in there , I just know it and the more you heal the more your wolf heals. Ok?" Nodding slowly I wrap my small arms around him , how can a man be so overwhelmingly wonderful?

"How do we do that?" I ask looking at him.

"By getting you strong again. Slowly and I do mean slowly, we get you out there , you can even start training again and go to therapy of course. Does that sound like something you'd be up to?"

"You said get me strong again, you don't think I'm weak do you?" I ask and right after he chuckles so sweetly that I almost fall to my knees.

"I knew the first time I saw you by the waterfall , and then when I chased after you, that you were a fighter and anything but weak Zendea. You're one of the strongest she - wolves I know and you can do this , all you need is time and patience." He says kissing my forehead. Among other things, this moment is making it even more evident that he's the one for me.

"You give me strength, did you know that?" I confess smiling up at him and he returns it.

"You do too kitten. Now , I have to get ready, I'm running late." He chuckles.

"Oh I'm sorry." I say giggling. He shakes his head.

"Don't be, plus you can make me late any day." He teases. I quickly brush my teeth with him , wash my face and head downstairs to make us breakfast and by us I mean all four of us. Me , my baby and of course my two friends.

"Hmm .. what to make , what to make?" I ponder to myself as I tap my chin. Deciding on omelettes with bacon and toast I get to work and just when I finish dishing up for everyone , Kylie and Maya walk in as Sebastian walks down the stairs.

"Hey girl hey!" Kylie yells as she slumps down on the couch turning on the tv, Maya comes to me and gives me a hug.

"Hey baby." She says and grabs two plates. "Thanks." I smile and shake my head.

"You're eating breakfast right." I ask Sebastian and to no surprise he gives me that look.

"It's either you eat here or at the office, your choice." I try to sound stern but I doubt I do.

"Okay I cave , I'll have breakfast here." He says sitting down. After we eat breakfast together Sebastian kisses me goodbye and heads to work leaving me , Maya and Kylie to enjoy the house in piece.

"So .." Kylie initiates, making me look at her.

"So?" I question.

"Have you given any thought as to when you want to meet the pack?" She says grinning widely. I try not to chuckle awkwardly but fail.

"Look don't get me wrong Kylie I want to meet the pack-"

"But?" She pushes.

I sigh. "But I don't know, meeting the pack is a big decision, one that I don't want to make on a whim plus, I dont think I'm ready to be a Luna yet." I actually said it out loud this time. "I just don't want to disappoint anyone so I want to be ready for it." Maya gently squeezes my shoulder.

"Hey, stop being so hard on yourself. No one said to be a Luna you had to be perfect, it's okay to not be ready, no one ever is. To be honest, knowing you, I know that you are going to be a great Luna." She says smiling.

"Maya's right Zendea, I know I haven't known you for long or know what you've been through but I know that our pack will love you. Plus we'll be there to help." They're right, still, not right now.

"You guys are right but not right now , ok?"

"Okay." They say in sink and we all laugh. For some reason our conversation sways to relationships and Maya and Kylie start talking about their past relationships, what they've surpassed and so forth. I already know Maya's relationship status so I'm not at all surprised by the crazy stories she tells about her crazy ex's but Kylie, almost has a heart attack which makes me burst out with laughter. Kylie also talks about her dating history, how she's been hurt and how she met Jake. She's been through some shitty guys.

"So what's your dating history Zendea? I'm dying to know." Kylie asks laughing and immediately I freeze up as the memories come back , I try not to give in to them but I feel my heart begin to beat quicker. Trying to control my breathing I shut my eyes and try not to lose control. I hear someone calling my name but keep trying not to lose control.

"Zendea!" Kylie shakes me with panic in her voice and in the background I hear Maya telling me to take deep breaths. I keep trying to control my breathing and start to feel my heart slowing down , after I feel ok enough to open my eyes I do and that's when I see it, her eyes , trying to figure out what's wrong with me , why that just happened and if I have a secret. Exactly what I didn't want, someone else knowing about him .

It takes a while for me to start breathing normally again and just as much time for Kylie to get passed what just happened.

"Zendea." Kylie says in a whisper and I know it's coming.

"P-please , don't." I stop her but I know she won't, I wouldn't either.

"I'm not going to push , I just wanted to say that it's ok. But just know that whatever that is can't hold you back for long , you'll fight it, I know it." She hugs me and Maya joins in , we hug for a while and while we hug all I can think about is how if I wasn't so weak I could have controlled myself better and stopped Kylie from finding out.
Hey 😄 .. what do you guys think happened to Zendea ?

Please don't forget to vote and comment, love you babies ☺️.

- Klyde ❤️

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