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Sebastian's P.O.V

I've been in my office for hours going through paper work or well trying to. I guess I'll do anything to not see Zendea right now.

Knock knock!

"Come in!"

"What are you doing hiding out in here?" Not this again.

"Who says I'm hiding?" I say not looking away from the files on my desk.

"You've been in here all night trying to avoid that poor girl." She says approaching a chair and taking a seat.

"Look Keke I have work to do and-"

"No you look .. I understand that you believe having a mate as an Alpha makes you weak and puts your pack in harms way but having a mate is anything but that. The pack needs their Luna and as an Alpha you need your mate by your side , her being around changes things and you know it. I know why you're acting this way but damn it, try to be a little nice to her. She really is trying to meet you halfway but you keep running away, it's like she said , she's not going anywhere." I look at her with a confused expression.

"She said that?" I ask. Keke smiles and nods, getting up.

"I know you know that she needs you as much as you need her." And with that she leaves. Getting up I walk to the beverage stand and pore myself a scotch but half way I begin to think about Zendea , her sweet aura , her patience and kindness that resembles my mother so much. Apart from my useless father being a good Alpha , my mother brought her own strength to the pack and she was always there to soften the blow after all my encounters with my father.

I'm brought out of my train of thought when I feel the glass in my hand shatter.

"Fuck!" I let it fall to the ground making a shattering sound. "This is all because of him." I growl out feeling my anger rise. I hate seeing how much of an affect he still has on me , makes me sick. But I guess I should take some responsibility as well.

Walking out of my office I slam the door shut and stomp my way up the stairs to my bedroom. Barging in I make my way to the bathroom but stop when I hear a moan then I remember that Zendea's here , turning around to look at her I set my eyes on her peaceful face. It's as if the moment I set my eyes on her my anger just vanished. She has this aura about her that calms me , just by her breathing I'm given peace and it drives me crazy.

Standing over her I smile to myself but when she turns and the silk sheet slips off her body to reveal the bruises I left on her my face hardens. My anger resurfaces again but ten folds this time and all I want to do is punch myself in the face.

Her left cheek is slightly purple and has a scratch from when I pushed her face against the shower, cracking the glass . Her neck is covered in my handprints , her shoulder shows the bites I left when I grazed her skin with my canines and her lower body is covered in bruises.

"I'm just like that bastard." I laugh to myself. I should be her protector but instead I hurt her.

"Hey." She says looking up to me with a smile but when she sees my face it fades. "What's wrong ?" She tries to touch my hand but I yank it away.

"No , don't touch me." I growl at her and see her eyes get watery. Fuck!

"Have I done something to upset you? What did I do?" She asks desperately as she gets off the bed and follows me to the bathroom. I ignore her and rinse my bloody hand. Just act like an asshole, she'll eventually leave. If she leaves then maybe-

"You're hurt!" She says snatching my hand into hers.

"I'm fine just go back to sleep." I command her.

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