Jason's P.O.V
"I don't know why you have to go , it's clear that this is MY duty now!" Titan says as his voice gets louder.
"Titan! Stop. This isn't me taking away your Alpha title but, you have to remember that you're only becoming Alpha when the red moon occurs. I am still Alpha which means I go to the meetings not you." I explain to him. If only he'd practice keeping a cool head, it would help him avoid a lot of problems.
"Ok , fine I get it." Finally. "But I want an update everyday you spend there. I don't like being kept in the dark and you of all people should know that." I can't help but chuckle.
"Of course I do. You know we're more alike than you think and it only becomes more evident as you grow into a man". Patting his back he smiles at me and we hear a knock.
"Come in." We both say in union, chuckling but, when I see it's my daughter my smile drops.
Zendea's P.O.V
Just hearing the sound of his voice sends chills down my spine but I plaster a smile on my face anyways and go in.
"Good morning father." I greet him but as usual he pretends I don't exist
"Morning." He says in almost a low growl. This pierces through my heart but I pretend it doesn't affect me, that's all I can do anyway.
"Morning Titan". I offer my brother a warm smile.
"Morning princess, how did you sleep?" Pulling on my hand, he wraps his arms around me, giving me a hug and I sink into his hold. Father clears his throat.
"If you two will excuse me I have some packing to do and Titan, about our conversation, you're requests will be met". He says heading for the door.
"I'm glad to hear that". Titan says coldly as his facial expression changes showing he's upset. I can't help the growing feeling of guilt at the pit of my stomach from knowing that the reason he's leaving is because of me and that I'm also the cause of him and Titan fighting.
As the door closes Titan sits down. "That mother .."
"Titan!". I put my hand over his mouth. "He is our father, watch your mouth". I warn sternly, or well try to.
"Oh come on Zee ! He may be our "father" but he sure doesn't act like it , well not towards you anyways and I hate it. He disgusts me and I'll NEVER forgive him for the way he treats you." Titan says as he slams his fist on the table, flinching from the sound I sigh. If I don't calm him down he'll shift.
"Calm down Titan, please. I really don't like it when you get angry like this.". Pleading with a shaky voice I wrap my arms around him and slowly, his body heat starts to go down. Much better.
"I'm sorry Zee, I know this must be hard for you and I probably make things worse when I act this way but, I just wish I could make you happy. For once." My eyebrows furrow.
"Titan, our living circumstances aren't the best I'll admit but, being here with you is what makes me happy."
"Really, you have always protected me and loved me, and I'm grateful." How can he still not see that the reason keeping me from drowning is him? Looking at my watch I glare at him.
"Don't you have training right now?". He grins at me and I shake my head, this guy.
"Sorry." Mhm. "What would I do without you?" He smiles.
"I have no clue, now go, you're already ten minutes late." As soon as he's gone I can't hold back the lip quiver, and then, my tears. Ever since our mother died, Luna Amara , our family hasn't been the same. There used to be a warmth in this house but not anymore, especially within my father. At first I thought it was because he was grieving but it seemed as though the more I was around, the colder he got. He stopped showering me with love and affection and started being harder on me and barely being around me for more than a couple of minutes. Titan started noticing and began hating our father for it. One night I couldn't take it anymore and asked him why he hated me so much and he slapped me, repeatedly. When Titan found out he lost it and attacked Jason. Ever since then I've hidden my pain from my brother because I know he'll do anything to protect me.

Begging For The Alpha's Mercy
Werwolf"You are MINE! And I would like to see anyone who dares to tell me otherwise, even you." He glares down at me. His eyes, they're so dark, so cold and unforgiving. 'I'll never get out of here, I'll never escape him.' I think to myself as tears slide...