Maya's P.O.V
Ever since Damien's pack members left we've been sharing the same bed, you'd think with us being mates he would've mated with me day one but he's .. hesitant. He shows that he wants me and he touches me the right way so he just must be shy. If he didn't want me he would have rejected me. Right.
"Baby! The pancakes." His yelling breaks me out of my train of thought. I quickly flip the pancake over and put it aside.
"I'm sorry." I laugh shyly. He offers a small laugh and shakes his head.
"Something on your mind ?" He asks tenderly and I nod.
"The party the other day, Sebastian was—"
"Was acting like any other mate would." He cuts me off. Wow! Any other guy would've lost it but he's understanding, a true gentleman. "I would have done the very same thing." He kisses my cheek. I blush. "How about I take over right here and you go shower. You can take your breakfast to go." My eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"And where am I going?" I question.
"You haven't seen Zendea in over a week, so go see her. Bond or whatever." He says smiling. I stare at him adoringly.
"You're amazing." I say truthfully, kissing his lips I head upstairs into the shower. After getting ready I head downstairs to find Kyle already done with breakfast and eating his own.
"You look beautiful." He says. I grab the large lunchbox filled with blueberry pancakes, bacon with the chocolate chip cookies Kyle made a couple of days ago. "I figured you guys would make your own eggs , you know so they're fresh."
"Thank you baby. See you soon, bye." I wave leaving the house.
Zendea's P.O.V
After telling Sebastian that I got the bruises from sparing with Maya and that the reason why Kyle and I looked like we had history was because we grew up together and he wasn't always the nicest person, he let it go, which I was grateful for. I want to tell him the truth but I just can't bring myself to do it. Hearing a light knock on the door I rush downstairs and see Maya. Relief washes over me.
"Maya." I breathe out, opening the door she gives me a tight embrace and I return it. We walk into the kitchen and she turns on the stove.
"Have you eaten yet?" She asks taking out a bowl , four eggs , a whisk and salt and pepper. I shake my head no.
"Good. I'll make the eggs and you can take out the plates and pour juice." I do exactly that and in a matter of minutes the eggs are done. I heat up the pancakes and bacon while Maya dishes up the eggs. We enjoy the delicious food in silence. What should I say ? I need to tell her.
"I know I know .. my pancakes taste better and these cookies are delish." She interrupts. True in fact.
"Uhm .. well yes, I wonder why." I say taking a bite of the cookie. She giggles.
"That's cause I didn't make any of this, well except for the eggs." She says proudly. I look at her confused.
"Who did?" I pry and just then the room starts to look blurry.
"D-Damien did." Maya slurs out. Dread washes over me and so does that gut feeling one gets that something bad is about to happen. Maya's head hits the island hard and she falls to the ground, I follow soon. I try to crawl to the door but darkness soon consumes me.
Sebastian's P.O.V
After Zendea told me that shit story about Kyle I asked Jake to do a background check on him first thing the next day. She's been lying to me for weeks! I could see and feel it , how can she do that ? Does she not trust me ? I mean I have shared EVERYTHING with her, my dreadful past , my plans for her and everything in between but .. she does this. Even thinking about it pisses me the fuck off.
"Sebastian." Jake walks in with a pained look on his face. "You were right." Fucken hell!
"What'd you find?" He exhales and sits down.
"Well, where do I start. The bastard has a PhD in sexual assault, physical abuse and emotional damage and his father's powerful name helps him keep all the information sealed from literally the whole world. Sadly Zendea was one of his victims, she's the fucken reason he fled to London and now he's fixated on her." He stops, looking at me sympathetically.
"God!" I yell.
"There's more. I also found out that he's working with a very powerful witch. He's planning something but I haven't found out what it is." He finishes off. My mind races , she knew, she knew him this whole time and lied about it to my face.
"She knew who he was , what he was capable of and that he's dangerous and she said nothing."
"Bass maybe—"
"She lied to me , over and over again and what's worse is she put everyone in danger as well. She let me let this psychopath STAY HERE! Around elders , pups , how could she?" Storming out of my office I start heading to the house and screams erupt from all angles. I halt , looking around I see everyone around me fall to their knees curling their bodies up in pain, coughing out blood. What is happening?!
"Zendea." I whisper and make a run for the house. When I get there the door is open, I proceed with caution, opening the door and walking in. Taking a whiff I don't pick up on anyone's scent expect for Zendea's and Maya's. I spot a red velvet box on the kitchen counter and go to open it, my heart drops. I pick up the white card covered in blood and notice that the blood's fresh , it's still warm and rage consumes me when I read it.
Who saw this coming? 👀 🤣
You guys are nottttt ready for chapter 46 I swear 😱.Don't forget to vote and comment, love you guys 😘.
- Klyde ❤️

Begging For The Alpha's Mercy
Werewolf"You are MINE! And I would like to see anyone who dares to tell me otherwise, even you." He glares down at me. His eyes, they're so dark, so cold and unforgiving. 'I'll never get out of here, I'll never escape him.' I think to myself as tears slide...