Chapter 2 : Frozen

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Hiccup POV

Before we depart, North told us to wear a winter coat so we don't catch cold during our journey. I told him that I don't need it because I already have something to keep me warm which it's my armor. So, Merida and Rapunzel needed it. Jack didn't wear it because he was already COLD which it's one of the reasons why he called himself Jack FROST.

Jack POV

"Does this make me look fat?" Rapunzel asked gesturing her looks after she put on her winter coat.

"Nope." I answered while smiling.

"All right, you guys ready to go?" Hiccup asked as he was mounting on his dragon before Merida did the same thing.

"Wait a minute. Can't we just get there instantly by using the snow globe?" Merida asked.

"It's recharging its power. We can only use it once the snow globe have fully recharged. It might take some time but not right now." I said while shaking it as it was doing nothing but glowing faintly.

"Great..." She said sarcastically.

After that, we're good to go. Before we did, North gave us advice to be careful. I assured him that we'd be fine as long as we stayed together. We waved him goodbye before we took off to our destination.

Merida POV

During our journey to this 'Arendelle' place, we encountered an unstoppable blizzards as we traveled further.

"C-cold..." I wrapped my arms around Hiccup's body and buried my face from behind because I was extremely shivered. Like... literally, you know as I never feel cold like this before.

"Hang tight. We're almost there, Merida." Hiccup comforted me.

Hiccup POV

Merida was freezing. I must hurry before this blizzards could kill her. As I was steering Toothless's flight, I glanced to Jack who was gliding beside me. He didn't look worried or anything but Rapunzel... her skin looked cold as ice, just like Merida's.

"Jack...!" I shouted to him because of this blizzards got stronger by any seconds that caused us to speak out loud.

"What...?!" He shouted back.

"Is she okay?! And please don't tell me that you made this blizzards that trying to kill us! Stop fooling around!" I said mentioning Rapunzel on his back.

"It's not me!!" He protested.

If this wasn't his doing, then who would it be if it's not him? Now, the blizzards was getting more stronger than ever as the cold wind almost blew me off from Toothless. What's causing this devastating snow storm? Was someone trying to stop us from reaching the kingdom?

When my vision became clear after I wiped some snows off from my eyes, I saw a huge campsites on the other side of a snow mountain, surrounded by a lot of people.

"Look! There's some people over there!" I pointed to the campsites so Jack could see what I was pointing at.

"Let's not going anymore further. Or something worse might happen to these two. C'mon!" I added before I ordered Toothless to swoop down to land there followed by Jack.

"Yeah, you're right!" He agreed.

As soon as we landed near the place that I was talking about, the blizzards that was trying to freeze us to death stopped instantly. That's weird...

"It stopped..." Jack said as he felt nothing like the cold wind from the blizzards that was trying to blow him away.

"That's strange..." I got confused by what was happening right now.

Without any delay, I carried Merida bridal style all the way to the campsites. He did the same thing to Rapunzel as he followed me from behind. When we reached there, dozens of people were seen chattering to each other. Some of them were saving their friends from... freezing? They sat on a chair shivering cold while warming their feet in a hot water. Others were wrapped by a thick blanket to keep their body warm.

"Hey! Are you all alright?!" One of them rushed towards us as he saw Jack and I were carrying our lifeless friends who suffered a terrible cold.

"Will you help us?" I pleaded.

"Yes, yes, of course! Come!" He motioned us to come with him to a nearby tent for a treatment.

Merida and Rapunzel got treated while we're both waited from outside. After a few hours later, he came out from the tent with an expression that we couldn't understand it.

"Are they gonna be okay?" I asked him.

"Don't worry, young man. The girls will be fine after a few days. I did everything I could and it was worth it..." He smiled which made Jack sighed in relief.

"Thank you, uhh..."

"Kai. That's my name. And you are?" He introduced himself.

"My name is Hiccup and this is my friend, Jack. Those girls you just saved, they're my friends too, Merida and Rapunzel." I explained.

"Kai, mind if we stay here for awhile?" Jack requested.

"Of course, Jack. You guys can stay here and so are the girls. We need every help we can get. As most people said, 'the more, the merrier'." He said.

I told Jack to look after them before I took a walk around this place with Kai. As we walked for moment, a question popped in my mind that I'm going to ask him.

"What happened here? Everyone looks so cold and... freezing." I said as I witnessed this unexpected tragedy.

~To Be Continued~

A/N : Don't forget to vote, comments and share this chapter with the others if you enjoyed it, okay? Until next time~! :)

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