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She ran out of the cafeteria in a hurry. I don't know why but i felt a need to follow her.

So i started to run after her. She stopped running.

We were in the parking lot and i saw her looking for something and she found it around the tyre of a car and then what she did was awestrucking if a word like that exist.

She was dancing it was more of a happy dance. I couldn't control my laughter anymore so i burst out laughing.

Startled she looked behind to find me and i was still laughing. She was flushed , she was blushing fiercly, all red.

After a while i composed myself and she said coughing "what are you doing here?" Oh damn! But i'd to say it "well... i kinda followed you... i mean you suddenly just ran out and knowing a girl like you who was so possesive if that's the right word for her manners wouldn't leave a conversation abruptly... so yeah". I sighed.

"Oh yeah i'm sorry about that actually..." she said. " yes you do owe me an explaination now why the hell did you run out like that?" I asked firmly.

"Because of this" she showed me a pendant it was beautiful it was made of platinum with a purple fake diamond with a real diamond attached to it. "Ohh you lost it i see but why the rush for this damn pendant?" "Actually it had some emotions attached it was given to me by my grandma on her deathbed." She said sadly.

"I'm sorry about that..... i didn't know." It was all i could say then.

She burst out laughing. "Gotcha!".

I was shocked. Damn it was a joke. i glared at her.

"You should've seen your face" she said in between laughters that girl really couldn't stop laughing.

When she finally finished " I'm sorry i was just trying to have fun." "Yeah right" i started to walk away. I felt insulted and i'd self respect.

She was running after me yelling "Jerkhead!! Wait!!" "Jerkhead!!" Even now she was calling me that stupid name. I huffed.

She was now standing in front of me blocking my way. "What is it now?" I angrily shouted at her.

"Listen to me and then if you want you can leave" "Fine" i said.

"I'm really sorry I was just joking or rather messing around with you but it was just for fun. And this" she pointed to her pendant " it's my favourite little thing in this world. It had stolen my heart away and my parents then gifted it to me so it is quite special now why i'm telling you this?" She asked herself. She looked quite funny with that confused frown so cute. Hell no! What was i thinking? "Heyy? You there??" She asked waving her hand in front of my eyes. "Yeah are you done?" " I said i'm sorry i didn't mean to alright? Just let it go will you?"

"I would've let it go if you didn't call me that stupid name" i frowned.

"You mean jerkhead?" "Yeah that thing" " Excuse me but you didn't even care for an introduction and didn't tell me your name plus you call me by that stupid name too" she looked away. "You mean Miss Chanel?" I smirked. "Yes that if you stop calling me that then i'll stop calling you "jerkhead" , jerkhead"  she smirked calling me by that name again. That arrogant girl " No i won't Miss Chanel" It was my turn to smirk now.

"Then fine by the way do you forgive me or not?" ."I don't". "Great well... i tried, see you later jerkhead" she said casually and walked away on her heels.

"What an arrogant little thing" I thought to myself.


Atlast i found my pendant!! I was so glad to have it back. But Damn!! I'm just so self obsessed sometimes that i totally forget there are people around. There i was doing my Happy dance carefree when i heard a laughter and realized I wasn't alone.

I turned around to fine the last person on earth in front of whom I want to get humiliated jerkhead!. Wow i might as well give myself some appreciation for those snarky comments i made "You go girl!" .Now here i was smiling to myself when I remembered jerkhead was going to say something.

"Thanks again well I was wondering...." That's when I'd cut him off midsentence and rushed out as I'd suddenly thought of going to the parking lot to check for my pendant.
Back to normal

Oops now I've totally ruined the chances of him telling me what he was going to say. I could always ask right? No I can't I've got to hold on to my pride.

Let's just forget about it cause I'm way too hungry and my mind won't be able function properly without food. So I went to the Cafeteria again. But guess whom I found here of all the people in this world THE MEAN GIRLS or rather ASHLEY. Man!! Why can't they just mind their own buisness?? Of all the times they choose now to meet me again when I'm hungry!! I'm going to tear their flesh apart if I miss lunch because of them but wait I'm not that violent.

"Come back to Normal" I said to myself "be as nice as you can and DO NOT THINK YOU'RE VIOLENT DO NOT! " if you miss lunch we'll settle that matter later but right now you've got some bitches to handle.

Ashley's P.O.V.

I've got to show that new girl her limits how could she humiliate Me of all the people in this school? She is most probably trying to gain attention or is she intentionally after my position in the school? But hell no!! She can't take what's mine. I'M THE QUEEN BEE AND I TEND TO REMAIN SO.

"Heyy girls listen up it's time for revenge"

"Oohh interesting who is it going to be this time?" Amber asked grinning. "Is it that Christine?" Asked Vanessa. "Right guess Vanessa but shut up! I don't even want to hear her name again just call her our new target I said with a sly smile. "Game on new girl " I thought to myself. I had already formulated the plan the other night now I just needed to tell Amber and Vanessa their jobs. "Hmmm I'm evil" i thought to myself.

"It's going to be so much fun" said Amber. "Yes it is". We all started laughing.

Wait up cause you're in for a surprise bitch.

A/N note:

Heyy people I'm so sorry for updating late but I've been so busy lately with my exams and it's soon my finals. Do understand my condition. But there will be an update soon. Don't give up on me. So what is going to happen with Christine now? Let the ideas flow in. Just so you guys know your comments are appreciated much so please care to leave some to bring a smile on my face. And one thing more PLEASE GO CHECK OUT MY FRIEND'S BOOK "GAINING THE LOST TRUST " BY GAURI SHRIVASTAV.
Love you guys :-* XD

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