Chapter 7

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I saw Scarlett coming towards me, with a shocked face. Oops i guess she got to know about the little scene i created in here. Well i thought so, Scarlett came along and sat without even her tray of food! *shocked* i said "Atleast take your tray of food then i'll tell you all of it" she shook her head saying no, so i slid my tray towards her and gestured her to eat. She first said no but then agreed and then i told her all of it. Not missing a single detail. She got all happy and was like "you did this because we were friends, you refused to Ashley oh i love you so much!" And hugged me that was so sweet, i hugged her back.

After that i saw Mr.Vanderholt passing by and he winked at me.

What a disgrace to the society!  I thought and made a disgusted face to show him all the hatred in the world.

Soon recess got over. We were back to our classes. It was chemistry  now. Guess who was our teacher Mr.Abraham again! Even i was shocked i mean he taught us History in the morning, and now chemistry  two totally different fields. But what can i say it was an Unpredictable high school.

He entered the class and told us all about basic chemistry  and what we were going to study this year.

And then came the hardest part of all lab partner time!

Mr.Abraham had told me to change my place i sat next to Scarlett but now here i was sitting next to none other than MR.JERKHEAD aka Mr.Vanderholt aha! My favourite.

When sir said that one sentence "Miss Middleton please change ur seat and go sit next to Mr. Vanderholt" me and the Vanderholt guy both  were in shock and all we could think of was Wtf! You know that feeling when you are bitching about someone and they're right behind you was all i felt then.

Apart from this, what came next was more than a shock, a pure regret that i felt now after joining the most esteemed  high school in town.

Any guesses? Yeah turns out Mr.Abraham just loved keeping things simple and "Your lab partners are right beside you!".

And i'm like "what?" It wasn't me alone who questioned their vulnerability but Jerkhead too and we both at the same time went like "No way" "You my lab partner! I'm sure i can do better than that?" "Says who? MR.JERKHEAD who can't even tie his shoe laces properly" i said pointing towards his shoe laces.

"Oh please! I can even work without you." Then he addressed Mr.Abraham and said "Sir you know i could always do without a lab partner."

Mr.Abraham replied "I'm afraid you can't Mr. Vanderholt. The orders are from the management can't do much about it."

Now it was my turn to speak " But sir we could atleast switch partners"

Mr. Abraham was obviously angry by now and said with as much calm as possible "Miss Middleton & Mr. Vanderholt i'm telling you both the last time PARTNERS WILL NOT BE CHANGED am i clear?"

We both nodded and settled down.

All i could think was to calm down.

I repeated again and again "Calm down everything will be just fine." "Calm" "calm".

And as expected JERKHEAD was laughing at my gestures. But i kept my calm.

The whole period was going just fine till Aaron yeah i just got to know his name when his friend called him to move towards the lab together.

He dropped some chemical on me and i just kept my calm cause i'd realized that fighting was useless. So i just said "It's ok i'll just go wash my dress" and left.

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