Chapter 11

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Few days later......

After that incident many things had happened. Me & Paige grew really close we were now best friends we had even started sitting together at lunch time. Paige had introduced to me one of her friends and even we both turned out to be soul sisters better known as best friends. If you know what I mean? ;-). As for me & Aaron we were still at the jerkhead&Miss Chanel phase.

But now it was quite different we didn't hate each other that much but we did and we were now having polite conversations once in a while so I guess things are progressing and that's good.

As for the bitches. I showed them there limits the same day when they'd almost humiliated me by going inside the cafeteria again and making quite an Announcement.

I entered the cafeteria again to take my revenge. I'd to take a stand for myself to make things clear out in Ashley's mind.

"Heyy people! I know I'm interrupting most of your conversations but as you know Paige took me out before I could say something. I request Ashley,Amber&Vanessa to come out and stand here with me will you guys?" They first stared at me& then just nodded & came to stand next to me. I gave Ashley the YOU-BETTER-WATCH-OUT-CAUSE-I'M-TOTALLY-GONNA-RUIN-YOU look better known as a death glare with a smirk.

"So as I was saying this important thing that I'd to as Ashley had announced before which I'm thankful to her for cause I've been waiting quite a long time to say this". Here it goes.

"Ashley has truly defined the meaning of the word bitch I don't think even a dictionary could define it that good so hats off to you girl. You've totally done the work of a great vocuablary teacher. Aren't we grateful to her guys?" I asked& for obvious reasons I got the answer as "Yes" "Oh yeah totally" "Can't deny the fact". That's all I needed to continue.

"So as I was saying she did great help to us. And as you all know I wouldn't say a thing like that to anyone without a reason so the reason is today Ashley did something to me which was totally below the belt. But I'm not gonna discuss that over here but I just want to say to trust her is equal to trusting a hungry shark with your life. So it's upon you to decide if you value your life? That's it people!".
"So do you want to say she is a hungry shark?" Someone from the cafeteria asked me. "I guess... you can say so" "aye! She is a hungry shark her growling stomach during class told us!" Everyone laughed. Oh boy people really hated that girl.
I was walking away when i took a sudden turn towards Ashley with a glass of juice and was about to drain it on her but that was not my plan. Her face was flushed that's what i wanted to see.
"Hey Ashley!" I called her out of her trance as she had closed her eyes afraid that juice was going to be poured out on her any moment "I do not do things below the belt. Thank heaven that you're alive next time don't mess with me and by the way revenge is the dish best served cold".
That was my cue to walk out. I heard a clap i turned around to see Aaron he was standing there and clapping alone for me just me. That gesture of his sent butterflies to my stomach which I couldn't understand but it was one of those sweet moments when I'd first started liking him or should i say loving?



hey every1 sry for the late update but i'd my finals!!! so yeah forgive me plz. Now updates will be weekly you can expect regular updates too. Next chapter will be updated in a hour or so be ready. luv u :* keep voting,commenting& bringing smile to my face.

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