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I just dropped a chemical on Miss Chanel by mistake.

I thought she would explode with anger but instead she just said that it was ok and went to wash her dress.

I'm impressed.

When she came back the period was almost over. Mr. Abraham gave us an assignment which we've to submit tomorrow, so less time. I just hope that i remember to do it.

I definitely don't want to face sir's wrath.

When i came back we were given an assignment to write a report on some carbon& compound thing and we'd to submit it tomorrow. Our teachers are just so generous in giving time to submit reports.

The rest of the day went just fine except for the fact that Mr. Jerkhead was in most of my classes.

As the day came to an end and i was returning back to my parking spot i saw many people staring at something there.

I went there to have a look myself. But what i found was just amusing. They were all staring at my car. I checked out my Aston Martin One-77.

But there was nothing wrong with it. To my surprise they were all staring at my car because it was ASTON MARTIN ONE-77.

Ain't you be shocked if you were standing in the most esteemed premises with sons and daughters of greatest industrialists in the world and you find them staring at your car? WEIRD!

I just drove off my car without a word and then it was their turn to stare at me. As i was leaving the parking lot I saw Aaron staring at me too! Can't a girl drive this car without getting a stare?!

I reached home to find mom baking cookies and grabbed one. My mom's chocolate chip cookies were the best in the world. Yumm.... . Mom greeted me with a smile and asked about my first day. I excluded most of the details and told her that everything was great and i was truly happy to be there.

I left the kitchen to go change. As soon as i reached my room , I kicked off my shoes and laid back on my bed after slipping on some pyjamas and slept for i don't know hours maybe.

When i woke up it was evening already and as usual i was hungry so i went down to grab some snacks.

I returned to my room and started surfing the internet for some information about the topic we'd to write a report upon. Finally i found it and wrote it first in rough and then in fair. I put the rough report in my bag too just for precautions you never know when Jerkhead will spill another chemical and there will go your report down the drain.

Phew! Finally the report was over. Then i had my dinner and went to sleep but couldn't sleep because of the things that were bothering me and mostly my mind was occupied with JERKHEAD and somewhat the Mean girls were in my thoughts too.

I tried to erase off my thoughts and went to sleep don't know when.


I couldn't sleep the whole night thinking about Miss Chanel. Why was i even thinking about her? I thought to myself as i turned to walk into the chemistry lab to find a note on the black board " HOPE YOU ALL FINISHED YOUR REPORTS - MR. ABRAHAM"

Oh crap! I forgot again! I'm so dead! I thought to myself but then there was no time for thinking right now. I went to everyone to ask them to help me but they all just made excuses like "I'm not sure if mine is correct so you better ask someone else." Some said straight away "no" but there were others who just walked away as they saw me coming towards them. Then finally entered my friends and to my regret and expectations none of them had done it.

Yipee! I thought to myself atleast i'm not alone.

But then i'd already made sir upset yesterday and today if i didn't present my report to him. I would have to face his wrath and that was totally out of question.

That's when I saw Miss Chanel standing by our table. I fought with my own self if i should take her help but i've to i said to myself "But what is more important to you self-respect or the report?" "Oh shut up!" My other side said "You don't want to face Mr. Abraham's wrath do you?" Oh i totally don't so i went to her.

I said " Hello." She said "Hello" in return with all the courage i'd i said "Ineedafavourihaven'tdonemyreportcanyouhelpmewithitplease?" Phew!

All i got as a reply was "can you please speak a little slow this time for me to understand?" I repeated "I need a favour i haven't done my report can you help me with it please?" This time i was loud and clear. She just handed me a report file and said " do not say anything".

"Thanks! I'll just copy it down and give it back" i said filled with gratitude. " It's fine you don't have to copy it down. I made an extra one just in case. Keep it." She said with a smile.

Wow i thought to myself so generous. MR. ABRAHAM came in went on with the class and 15 minutes before the class gets over collected our reports and was rather impressed by Miss Chanel and went off the limits and said "Mr. Vanderholt i see you've become quite punctual with your reports after becoming partners with Miss. Middleton so i thought why not you both be partners for the year". He grinned and all me and Miss Chanel could do was scoff with regret.

At the time of recess i went to the cafeteria and looked everywhere and finally found Miss Chanel.

I'd thought to thank her properly and be friends with her so i went over. There she was ever so peacefully eating her food but there was something wrong with her and i could feel it and even her facial expressions showed as if she was worried.

But i just casually walked up to her and asked " The seat beside you is vacant do you mind if i sit down? May I?" She nodded with a smile "Sure it is a free country". I sat down smiling and said "Heyy thanks for your help today. You saved me from Mr. Abraham's wrath. I owe you." I grinned. "No problem you don't need to thank me for it" she said smiling. "Thanks again well i was wondering..." she cut me off mid sentence and suddenly said " Listen can we talk later. I really need to rush." And walked out.

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